View Full Version : gutters and mittering

Justin Marchiel
2006-11-28, 11:32 PM
I remember mittering my gutters and fascias. for some reason i dont get the option anymore when i select the fascia or gutter.

Anyone experience this is 9.1?


2006-11-28, 11:55 PM
I'm not sure I'm following you. You had an actual selection called mitre? My fascia and gutters mitered automatically.

Or are you talking about the change mitering command? I believe that only works on fascia/gutters that are not horizontal, i.e. rakes.

Justin Marchiel
2006-11-29, 12:20 AM
that i what i was talking about. i guess becuase my fascia and gutter are not raked, i dont get the option.



2006-11-29, 12:40 AM
you having a problem with your fascia not mitering properly?

Justin Marchiel
2006-11-29, 01:00 AM
I have 2 gutters on different roofs meeting at a valley corner that pass thru each other. i wanted to trim them at 45 deg (with the valley so they looked correct.


2006-11-29, 01:41 AM
I could be wrong here but I don't think there is or ever has been a mitering function for wall sweeps or gutters. It would be nice though.


2006-11-29, 03:26 AM
I'll second that motion - they aren't the easiest things to deal with neatly.

2006-11-29, 03:49 AM
what I found is that you need to join your roofs and clean up the roof edge. the edges you are attaching the gutter to needs to be just right for the mitering to work.

I still have problems with it, but have gotten very good at it.

If you would like me to take a look at it I'd be glad to help or give any advice if you posted some screen shots.

2006-11-29, 03:51 PM
I have 2 gutters on different roofs meeting at a valley corner that pass thru each other. i wanted to trim them at 45 deg (with the valley so they looked correct.


Mitering on gutters and fascia sweeps depends on the location of the control handles on each end of the sweep, which depends on where the profile is drawn relative to the center base point in the profile family.

If the edges of the roofs hosting the gutters do not join exactly at that corner where you want the gutters to miter, then the gutters will not miter by themselves. Instead the gutters will follow the full length of the edge that hosts them, which sometimes mean gutters will cross over and go past each other.

To correct it is pretty simple, just go to a 3D view and select each gutter, and pull the blue control handle back to the point where you want them to connect. When the blue control handles from 2 different sweeps are placed in the exact same location, that is what invokes the mitering function.

You will sometimes find this occuring if you have a wall with sweeps in the wall type, and then you try to make an inside corner with the sweeps turning that inside corner. Depending on how the sweeps are set, their offsets from the wall, etc., sometimes you have to drag the sweeps back and make them join and miter manually. Outside corners usually work fine, though.

2006-11-29, 06:42 PM
That's exactly what I should have said patricks, nice explanation.

Also I believe if you really, really are in a bind, I believe you can draw simple lines in plan view, that is at the level of where your fascia/gutter wants the profile to be and aligned to the roof edge(if thats where you want it to be), then you can attach sweeps to these lines also.