View Full Version : include a [transparent] watermark on a titleblock

2006-11-29, 01:49 AM
hello. Im using 8.1 and I'm working on some drawings to be rolled off to contractors & suppliers for job out. Is there a way to include our company trademark [watermark] diagonally placed in the center of the titleblock? I tried creating bold texts in the titleblock but its not transparent and it blocks off portion of the drawing/images. how can I make it transparent?

2006-11-29, 03:20 AM
I'd say you would be lucky to find a simple solution... Text won't do it.... filled regions won't do it.... if you modelled it and used a semi-transparent material, but then you would have to place a view of that modelled titleblock on every sheet....

2006-11-29, 03:28 AM
I see.. so i guess we just have to hope that they'll include this one on their future releases...

2006-11-29, 03:30 AM
They made some good improvements to the way detail components and jpegs handle in the last release, such as sending backward and forward. Hopefully they won't just leave it there - transparency has been on the wish list for a while!

2006-11-29, 03:55 PM
Is this a common practive with other CAD platforms? I'm thinking a transparent watermark would not reproduce very well (unless that's the idea you're going for).

I just did a job where I had some gray shaded model elements in a ceiling plan to make them stand out and read better, but on my half-size reproduction set, they look solid black.

Justin Marchiel
2006-11-29, 06:39 PM
i have a few engineering companies that like to add a big not for construction watermark across there drawings (acad).


2006-11-29, 07:09 PM
We go for half-tone text in the corner of the drawing window with a visibility type parameter so we can toggle of/on for the whole set inside the project. Ours is "Progress Drawings - Not for Construction".

2006-11-29, 07:36 PM
You can try this approach. (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2006/01/need-watermark.html)