View Full Version : "Daylighting factor"

2004-06-25, 05:18 PM
I need to make schedule about a parameter made of a rate between the
windows' area in a room and its area for each room.
Does anybody know how I could do that?



2004-06-25, 06:28 PM
To do this windows and rooms have to be aware of each other and right now they aren't. Windows also aren't aware of their interior vision panel versus exterior glazing status in a project. Rooms don't know they are habitable either.

As an experiment I added shared parameters to windows and rooms in a project so I could tell a window that it belonged to a room that has the same value. I then used ODBC export to use the data in MS Access to create a query that combined the window glazing area and room area data to report required glazing, actual glazing and the over/under result of that comparison.

Worked pretty well but it was a lot of work to set up. Particularly since you have to maintain this parallel existence of data so rooms and windows stay in touch. Not to mention adding the parameters to your window families.

Depending on project size and scope it might be worth the trouble. It might be more expedient to just create separate schedules to expose the different values and then compare them with Excel or Access. The "factory" is aware of this task we face but I don't know where it stacks up in the development cash.