View Full Version : looking for feedback for SpecifiCAD beta, an ACAD/ADT/Revit plugin

2006-11-29, 07:45 PM
We are looking for feedback for our AutoCAD/ADT/Revit Building beta plug-in, SpecifiCAD. SpecifiCAD allows you to get building product manufacturer information for the components you are designing from the McGraw-Hill Construction Network for Products website and provides a mechanism in which you can link your components to a specific product page from this website.

A more detailed description of the plug-in is here: http://www.cadalytic.com/index.php?dir=products
You can download the plug-in here: http://www.cadalytic.com/index.php?dir=downloads

Chuck Han
President, CADalytic Media, Inc.

2007-08-31, 05:13 AM
I'm not sure if anyone from the Revit forums ever saw this post. (I know I never saw it till I went looking for it). If a moderator could move this thread somewhere more obvious there may be a response. Better late than never.