View Full Version : Another roof problem

2006-11-30, 06:40 PM
Hi everyone. Here is my problem. I have to draw this roof, but in fact, in the section, it's not good at all. Imagine what it look like from the 2nd level. Got any ideas on how I should do it?


2006-11-30, 07:45 PM
Have you tried roof by extrusion?

2006-11-30, 07:59 PM
That's exactly what I did.
The problem is that when you join the roofs, they just join, not cut each other. So from the outside everything looks fine but the main roof still appears in the section part ans also on the Level 2 plan. And if I hide it in the visibility graphic, it doesn't look good because of the view range (cut vs uncut walls).

2006-11-30, 08:28 PM
Ok, Ben. here's your answer. Use an in-place family to cut the inside.
I just hang up with Stephan btw :-)

2006-11-30, 09:24 PM
You may also be able to accomplish what you need to by using the cut plan region option available when you create roofs by extrusion.

2006-11-30, 10:03 PM
disjoin your roof, bring your extrusion out from the surface of the main roof, then select join. select the edge of your extrusion then select your face of the main roof. this will clean up your extrusion roof.

then what you need to do is edit the main roof. you can do this in a few ways, but how do you want the inside to be? absolutely perfect? or pretty close?

pretty close you can do a roof opening following the outline of the valleys of the roof extrusion. you can either make an opening or edit your roof and draw interior lines to accomplish the same thing.

if you want perfect, you might have to edit the roof lines of both roofs. you will need to edit the main roof and follow the valley lines like I said earlier. not sure with an extrusion if you are going to get it perfectly exact, but if you're just looking for a section view it should be fine.

Chris DiSunno
2006-11-30, 10:11 PM
I have done this in the past by making a large fascia for the curved part of the eave.

2006-12-04, 08:44 AM
do a normal roof using roof by foot print and then place a fascia in the curved profile you need...this will solve the roof join problem..