View Full Version : Civil 3D 2007 - Change flow direction of pipes

2006-12-04, 10:14 PM
Is there a trick to using the "Change Flow Direction" in the pipes menu? Trying to follow the command line directions, nothing appears to happen to the flow direction arrows.

When it says to "Select the UPSTREAM starting point in plan (Pipe or Structure):", I've selected the pipe near the upper manhole structure or the upper manhole structure (not on the same try). When directed to "Select the DOWNSTREAM ending point in plan (Pipe or Structure):, I've selected the pipe near the lower manhole structure, the lower manhole structure, or the pipes in between the upper and lower sections on the lower ends. If it comes back with any response to what I've done, it's "Flow direction sucessfully applied to 0 pipes.

Does it automatically make the flow go downhill with the terrain? I need to change the flow direction to go against the terrain.

Any help in this area is appreciated.


2007-05-24, 04:53 PM
flow direction is something you set as your creating a pipe run. there is a toggle in the create pipes dialogue. This only controls whether your slope is neg or positive in the pipe start slope and pipe end slope. You can have the flow direction be incorrect and you can still have your pipe grade generate correctly. if you start with elevation 900 and select pipe start hold grade at 0.40% for a 300 ft pipe your end invert will be 901.2. If your pipe flow direction was incorrect then you would get a elevation of 890.8. You can either change the pipe flow direction or just add a negative sign in front of the 0.40%. If your pipe labels show the -0.40% and you want this to show correctly, you will need the flow direction to be correct. But if you set up a style that drops the neg character then it wouldn't matter. Changing the flow direction is just going to change whether you need a negative 0.40% or a positive 0.40% to get the desired result.

2007-05-25, 01:46 PM
In your Pipe Properties, Near the top of the dialog, you have the options Start to End, End to Start or By Slope, This will determine if your slope is Positive or Negative in the label.