View Full Version : Working section tag

2004-06-26, 03:16 AM
>Jim Balding has come up with a method for displaying a 'working' >section and a 'project' section. The working section marker is orange >with a dashed line for the section line, while the project is normal

Anyone know how Jim changed the section line's linetype and color?

I made a new line in object styles under section line, but can't see where to change the tag.


2004-06-26, 05:25 AM
John -

It looks as though they have removed the ability to change the color in the section properties dialog. Hmmm, let's find out why??? I checked 5.1 got it, 6.1 gone. I don't have 6.0 installed here at home. I tried to cut and paste from one to the other, no can do.

The only thing I can suggest as a possible solution/workaround is create a specific head and tail that could differentiate the working from the project sections.

Sorry -

- JB

2004-06-26, 05:45 AM
Jim will answer with more authority, since he posted that method, but I would think that the Callout head and tail are different colors, not the actual cut (although you could add a colorful line in the head or the tail, but won't interact properly). You can create a head and tail of a different color as a change to the family. Then as you duplicate the section type, rename it as a name that makes sense.

Also, I could be wrong, but I believe that the section type properties evolved because of standards, and in earlier versions you had more individual control of line type, color, weight, etc. in the section property type. That would explain the ability of having the line a different color for 2 different type of sections on the same project....

Oops, Jim answered while I wast typing..... I thought I was the only one up at this time

2004-06-26, 05:49 AM
...I checked 5.1 got it, 6.1 gone. I don't have 6.0 installed here at home... Gone in 6.0 too...Give it back guys! It's been so long, I was thinking maybe Jim was :screwy:

2004-06-26, 09:31 PM

Sure sounded useful, but will settle for different heads for now.

2004-06-27, 03:52 AM
I was thinking maybe Jim was :screwy:

What do you mean thinking MAYBE??? All I can be sure of is that I am headed in the right direction.

2004-06-27, 04:43 AM
I found that in 6.0 you could change the tail but not the head. In 5.0 you could change both.