View Full Version : Blue line blues

2006-12-06, 04:06 PM
I have an issue where I import a revit wall panel with studs into an existing control model. When I turn off grid and level in visibility. Blue lines appear and I can't get rid of them. Does anyone have suggestions. Thanks

Tom Dorner
2006-12-06, 04:38 PM
Where is this "panel' coming from? It looks like they may be AutoCAD 3D lines.

Check your visibility of Imported Objects [V V or VG]

2006-12-06, 04:46 PM
They are coming from a Revit Building file into a Revit Building file.

Scott D Davis
2006-12-06, 05:03 PM
They seem to be the Structural "Analytical Lines". Check the Visibility Settings for the structural members...check the box for "show all disciplines" and then make sure analytical lines are turned off.

2006-12-06, 05:36 PM
Scott I can't find those types of selections. They must be analytical lines. But there is nothing in building that i can choose to get rid of them except they are apart of the structural column under visibility. If I turn that off the stud is removed along with the blue line. So I agree these are analytical lines. Please let me know exactly how you navigated to the discipline and structural portion where I can turn off the analytical lines. thanks.

2006-12-06, 05:56 PM
Structural columns show up even with the checkbox in V/G turned off. In V/G under Structural Columns, open up the additional subcategories (click the "+") and uncheck Analytical. If it's not in the columns, then try Stuctural framing and walls....they all have analytical sub-cats.

2006-12-06, 06:41 PM
David, that is not working either. I was able to make it white though. Except the white lines overlay the framing top and bottom plate. I wish elevations had a switch to turn off visiblity. It is a manual process for each imported revit framing panel into another master control model. I still have not found a switch to turn off analytical lines in revit building.

Scott D Davis
2006-12-06, 07:04 PM
see if this helps....see attached:

2006-12-06, 07:23 PM
Scott that is exactly where I am trying to resolve this issue thanks to your help. The all disciplines has been checked the entire time. But the analytical has remained unchecked. I know now that is what controls it. But since it is a linked file and we are working with imported linked files it does nothing to control it. I even tried unchecking this information in the root file that has been imported as a link but there is a software switch that automatically makes it appear. thanks for everyones help.

2006-12-07, 03:52 PM
If it's a linked file, you either set "By host view" (in which case your view settings WILL control the linked settings) or make it all custom. In the latter, you'll have to turn off analytical by overriding the linked view's visibility settings from within the Revit Links tab.

2006-12-08, 11:03 PM
There is a bug for analytical lines in a linked model, I showed it to Lance Kirby when he was here a couple weeks ago, if you turn off analytical in the host view it will not shut them off from the linked file, you have to set the linked file to custom and shut off analytical there. It is a huge pain

2006-12-22, 04:39 PM
Yes you are right. What I have found is that you must do this per each view such as level, elevation and each adjacent elevation.

2006-12-22, 04:49 PM
How do you turn off the blue analytical lines in more than one view simultaneously per imported revit framing panel model. The main reason for this question is that the blue lines will appear in any view when you turn off, grid, level and reference lines and planes in the view properties/visibility/imported revit files area. I have found that I can turn off the blue lines in one view at a time in the area structural column - analytical model lines. So each additional view requires the same steps to turn them off.

2006-12-22, 05:10 PM
View templates are the only way at this time