View Full Version : Shortcut Highway V2.0 Now Available

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-06, 07:14 PM
Right I hope this is start of good things... Shortcut Highway V2.0 is now available for download. It's a complete overhaul with significant functionality improvements. As this is the first public release there may be a few gremlins but they shouldn’t take us long to sort out. Please post any technical problems with Shortcut Highway on its forum at http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/forums/ (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/forums/)

For those who don't know - Shortcut Highway is a Revit productivity tool that allows you to edit and manage Autodesk Revit's Keyboard Shortcuts. Without Shortcut Highway the only way to edit shortcuts is with a standard text editor such as Notepad.

Key Features

Manage Shortcuts across multiple Revit versions
View Revit Commands in a easily navigatable Tree
Powerful Filter & Search Capabilities
Show Duplicate Shortcuts
Group Shortcuts Alphabetically
Show New Commands by Revit Version
Revert to Revit's Default Shortcuts
Compare 2 Shortcut Files
Send Commands to Revit
Create HTML Reports
http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/shortcut_highway_about.html (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/shortcut_highway_about.html)

Getting Started:

Support Forum:
http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/forums/ (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/forums/)

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

Please note:

1. Shortcut Highway is no longer free. The evaluation period is 45 days, after which its costs $34.
2. Shortcut Highway is a .NET application and requires .NET Framework 2.0 from Microsoft.
3. The application does not currently work on Windows XP Professional 64 Bit Edition. We plan to address this in January 2007.

2006-12-06, 11:17 PM
works pretty good

a few bugs
I sent an email to support

It wouldn't recognize my customized shortcut file.
I think it was because it is an excel export.

it is really good at finding duplicates

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-07, 08:14 PM
Thanks Gordon - The new version addresses your bugs.

Shortcut Highway V2.0.2 - 07/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

- FIX: Shortcuts can now begin with numeric characters.
- FIX: Shortcuts beginning with the letter 'F' switched focus to filter.
- FIX: Non-tab delimited text files not read correctly.
- FIX: Recently opened file names appeared randomly in File Menu.
- FIX: Saving a shortcut file under a different version sometimes caused errors
- NEW: Shortcuts can now begin with numeric characters.
- NEW: Current version now displays on title bar.

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-11, 10:10 AM
There will be a new version of Shortcut Highway later today. For some reason I believed shortcuts could only be a maximum of two characters. :Oops:

Anyway we're busy fixing it...

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-11, 01:30 PM
Version: 2.0.3 - 11/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

- FIX: Shortcuts can be any length.
- FIX: Shortcuts can now contain any characters except '*', '"' and '?'.
- NEW: Added tabs for 'Numeric' and 'Other' shortcut filters.

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

2006-12-11, 01:34 PM

While your $34 price is pretty dang cheap.... Do you have any plans or support for network licensing or licesning schemes for large corporations? Please feel free to PM me to dicuss this further. At this time I would say we are still in an evaluation mode.

Thank you,

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-11, 02:48 PM
We plan to implement volume/site licensing in January (maybe sooner).

2006-12-11, 10:45 PM
looks useful.

couple things:
icons under the "tools" category seem mixed up (Match, Paint, Split Face, Align, Split Walls and Lines, Trim/Extend, Offset)

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-12, 10:08 AM
Version: 2.0.4 - 12/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

- FIX: Icon mix up on Tool Menu corrected.
- FIX: Saving shortcut file errors (when compare and shortcut files were the same).
- NEW: Allow filtering without Shortcut file open.
- NEW: Keeps last selected menu item visible

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

2006-12-12, 01:59 PM
Hi Marek, I had a question.
Can you please tell me once a new version of Revit comes out, if the current program will work, or will you need to update the software for it to work properly with newer releases?
In other words, when version 10 comes out, will we need to wait for an updated version of ShortcutHighway?

I was just curious. Either way the software would be valuable...


Version: 2.0.4 - 12/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

- FIX: Icon mix up on Tool Menu corrected.
- FIX: Saving shortcut file errors (when compare and shortcut files were the same).
- NEW: Allow filtering without Shortcut file open.
- NEW: Keeps last selected menu item visible

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

2006-12-12, 02:43 PM

Quick question...
Will we be expected to pay for upgrades? (I'm trying to add this to our yearly budget.)


Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-12, 03:56 PM
Luigi, Brad

In our excitement to release a product we haven't finalised Shortcut Highway's upgrade policy. At his point I can commit to the following - anyone purchasing Shortcut Highway will receive free upgrades covering the existing major release (eg 9.x) AND the next major release (eg 10.x).

However please bear in mind - Shortcut Highway is a 3rd party application that edits Autodesk Revit's keyboardshortcut.txt file. This format of this file is determined by Autodesk and can be changed at their discretion. Having said that, the shortcut file format has remained the same since its inception and will hopefully remain an 'open' format. The hard work on our side is to mimic the Revit menu structure inside Shortcut Highway. Each new Revit release brings an updated menu and a different API.

My promise: As long as Revit "allows" it, Shortcut Highway will be updated.

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-13, 12:55 PM
Version: 2.0.5 - 13/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.msi)

- FIX: Tab "mixup" corrected.
- NEW: 'Other' tab added for non-alphabetic shortcuts.
- NEW: Send commands to Revit feature available in Evaluation mode.
- NEW: Added Splash screen.
- Detail improvements and optimizations

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-13, 02:35 PM
Oops there are problems with 2.0.5

2.0.6 will be up shortly...

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-13, 03:34 PM
Version: 2.0.6 - 13/12/2006

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway_2_0_6.msi (http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway_2_0_6.msi)

- FIX: Error opening files.

Please note: For now Shortcut Highway requires an Uninstall (Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs) prior to Reinstalling.

2006-12-16, 07:32 AM

I have to say that this looks awesome...great job! You guys seem to have given it great attention to detail. It's hard to believe that you included so much functionality in this little jewel and this is the first release! First impressions are surely great. I'll be playing with this in the coming days.

Now if only Autodesk can give us the possibility to do a shortcut for View Range!!! Or perhaps you guys can figure a way to open that dialog box without going to Properties?
Cheers! :beer:

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-17, 10:08 AM
Thanks David.

We have started the process of adding other Revit platforms (Structure, Systems) to Shortcut Highway.

Non English language versions will be considered on request, so if anyone wants a particular language - this is the place to ask.

Oh - something I forgot to document... Ctrl+F activates the Search box.

2006-12-17, 10:56 PM
Can Shortcut Highway access the options bar button commands? And, no macro capability, right?

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-18, 06:37 AM
Hi Narlee

I'll have to come back to you on the Options bar.

Can you provide examples of macros you'd like to run?

2006-12-18, 11:52 PM
Hi Marek,

Just some simple stuff, like getting into the visibility settings and turning certain stuff on and off. Same for worksets. Also, it seems I'm frequently hitting the exact same sequence of button when editing in-place families.

My biggest thing on that options bar is hitting the Edit button, which I seem to do about a thousand times a day, and often twice in a row within the same operation.
But, Revit's keyboard shortcuts cannot access it, so I always hoped Shortcut Highway would expand its features into that area.

Thanks a bunch,
Geof Narlee.

2006-12-19, 02:28 PM
Only recomendation I would make is in the html export get rid of the "end of's" for example
End of New Sub-Menu
End of File Menu
Other than that it's a very useful program

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-19, 03:32 PM
Only recomendation I would make is in the html export get rid of the "end of's" for example
I don't like them either. We'll look at another method to indicate end of menu groups.

2006-12-19, 03:34 PM
Would be nifty if the icons exported into the html too :)

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-19, 03:41 PM
We've made Shortcut Highway's help file available as a separate download.

http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/files/ShortcutHighway.chm (387 KB)

Marek Brandstatter
2006-12-19, 03:43 PM
Would be nifty if the icons exported into the html too Definitely - as an option.

2007-01-03, 12:57 PM
Shortcut Highway 2.0.7 is now available for download.
Please see http://www.digitalbuildingsolutions.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1 for details