View Full Version : Wrapping at heads and sills

2006-12-07, 08:07 PM
Is there a way to define wall wrapping for inserts at heads and sills - like the case for jambs? There doesn't seem to be an obvious way. If not, I suppose it is something worth looking into. I would like to know how others are dealing with the matter.

2006-12-08, 02:49 AM
You need to create the jambs and trim within the window & door families. Use a sweep for your jambs and casings and create or assign profiles as needed to the sweep.

2006-12-08, 10:15 PM
I suppose you could do that but it doesn't seem practical - with tons of families and with various wall types. It seems very obvious to be able to do this with wall wrapping as for jambs. With wall types we can specify section profiles. I thinks it is there that we are supposed to conrol that.