View Full Version : Elevation Tag Visibility

2006-12-08, 02:51 AM
Anyone run into this - two elevation tags next to each other...Move the crop region, one elevation tag is hidden, the other one stays visible...

Scott D Davis
2006-12-08, 03:24 AM
The 'elevation plane' (the blue line if you click only the triangle head of the tag) is inside the crop region on one section and outside of it in the other section.

2006-12-08, 03:52 AM

The 'elevation plane' (the blue line if you click only the triangle head of the tag) is inside the crop region on one section and outside of it in the other section.

2006-12-08, 02:29 PM
Duh - that was too simple... Thanks Scott.

Nice meeting you at AU!

2008-04-09, 01:05 PM
I'm running into this also - I get it, tag disappears when cut-plane is outside the crop region...but here's my issue. I want the crop region tighter than the location of the cut-plane. We've got a tapering building, the lower floors extend further out, and there's an addition which goes even further - which is why the cut-plane for elevations is way out from the building envelope for views of the upper floors. As a result, the upper floors, that require a tighter crop, loose all their elevation tags.

Is my only solution to go through each of these views and individually adjust every grid/section/annotation and hide the ones that only affect construction well outside these floors? Seems silly, and would be so much easier to just be able to pull the crop tight, and let the program adjust.

I guess that's my real problem, the stupid software can't read my mind for what's pertinent and what should be hidden!

Any suggestions?