View Full Version : Zoom All Problems

2006-12-08, 03:52 AM
Hi ya all
Here is a Little thing that really gets in my head.
I had created numerous sections, all that zoom-all'd like they should.
then all of a sudden, now when zoom-all, the sections ends up the size of a thumbnail.
now i thought, hey something must be there - but no all the Imports are turned off & the crop window is still like before. I havent added any new entities at all so it got me?

Im stumped?
has this happened to anybody else out there?

any help would be appreciated

Dwane Stairmand

2006-12-08, 03:59 AM
unofortunately it must of been somthing that changed from before....there must be some family that has some crazy element way out in space...like a reference line....and sometimes it is difficult to find out what it is...but investigation is the only answer...but there is an answer....it could be a door, an in place family of any sort, a diffuser, a light fixture, etc....

I rmember when Scott Davis actually took the time to investigate for somebody else in this forum (bless his heart) and that person swore up and down that he had checked everything...well scott found something that had an element far far away, that caused that particular view to zoom out to a crazy extent...

I hope you find out what it is...

Hi ya all
Here is a Little thing that really gets in my head.
I had created numerous sections, all that zoom-all'd like they should.
then all of a sudden, now when zoom-all, the sections ends up the size of a thumbnail.
now i thought, hey something must be there - but no all the Imports are turned off & the crop window is still like before. I havent added any new entities at all so it got me?

Im stumped?
has this happened to anybody else out there?

any help would be appreciated

Dwane Stairmand

2006-12-08, 05:18 AM
Cheers for that, I will take a second look at it.
Although i have Cropped it close to the model so anything else that has a reference line/plane out there in the model - it shouldn't worry it as it is cropped?


Mr Spot
2006-12-08, 06:18 AM
Easiest way to find it is to turn of the crop region, do a zoom extents, ensure absolutely everything is turned on (remember to check worksets, design options too if you have them enabled), then try dragging a selection window around the blank area between your model and the large expanse of white.

Hopefully you'll end up selecting something and be able to delete it or amend it.


2006-12-08, 06:47 AM
Crop regions won't affect detail items such as detail lines and text. You could have just a one character piece of text out there. When you window select like Chris suggested, go to your filters button to see what got selected before deleting.

2006-12-08, 09:20 PM
Anything that is part of the view (as opposed to the model) will cause the extents to expand. I've had the same issue with duplicated plans where we forget there is a plan region - you can't see it, you just have to poke around until you find it. Usually if it is view related (like text or a plan region, or a filled region), you can delete it without impacting any other views.

2006-12-09, 08:02 PM
I will second all that has been said. I had a view that I had a cropped region turned on.. and for some pesky reason... the thing went small. Turns out, there was both a small piece of text AND a room tag that was being 'hidden' but was affecting the 'extents'- anything that lies out there is going to cause this to do this. Along with a hidden ref plane, etc. etc. as previously mentioned. Also, when you turn everything 'on', make sure you're in Wireframe mode to ensure everything shows up.


Alex Page
2006-12-10, 08:19 PM
I find this happens when I have a linked Autocad dwg and the dwg's origin is miles away from the autocad lines...zoom all includes the autocad origin point.
On one of our consultant surverys the origin point was close to the moon!...therefore pays to check the dwg and move if needbe to stop this happining