View Full Version : Residential Streetscape & Exterior Rendering

2006-12-08, 05:15 PM
Attached is a residential streetscape and exterior elevation rendering. Model / CD's were completed by Mike Noll using ADT 2007 + VisionREZ. Rendering was completed by Robert Shelton using Autodesk VIZ.

Jay Moore
VisionREZ by Ameri-CAD, Inc.

2006-12-08, 05:18 PM
Once again a great job! :)

2006-12-08, 06:11 PM
That is so nice. How about adding some people and cars? I'm not really sure if it will be better coz sometimes if your going to add this in the post-production touches, it could be a disaster especially cars in wrong angles. So keep this one as the original scheme. This is very neat presentation. Nice job!

2006-12-08, 07:32 PM
Thanks! Yeah, we add cars and people to some scenes but since most of our work is for production builders each piece is really up to them. In this case they did not want cars as their person felt it was distracting to the main focus of the house.

However, attached is another piece where they did want some cars and people to show some more life in the scene.

Anyway, thanks for the input.


2006-12-08, 11:06 PM
This is really beautiful work. Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring.

2006-12-26, 10:09 PM
Damn Jay, I thought I did decent renderings.........until now. Yours make mine look like my 7 year old drew them with crayons. Great job.

How long does it take you from modeling it to the finished rendering?

2007-01-09, 08:11 PM
:) Thanks for the compliment. Wish I could take all of the credit but I am just the messenger for our producers (design, drafting and graphics). In this case the models and construction documents were created by Michael Noll and the renderings were completed by Robert Shelton.

On average (assuming a 2-Story, 3,000 s.f. house) we complete the model in 2-3 hours and pass it along to the rendering department. Rendering time for a single elevation usually runs around 3-6 hours (depending on complexity). So for a streetscape you can assume 2-3 hours per model / 3 hours for rendering per elevation / 3-4 hours to finalize the streetscape (housing placement, sky, landscape, etc.). We are a production firm so we have to work as fast and efficiently as possible (w/o sacrificing quality).


2007-01-09, 08:34 PM
:) Thanks for the compliment. Wish I could take all of the credit but I am just the messenger for our producers (design, drafting and graphics). In this case the models and construction documents were created by Michael Noll and the renderings were completed by Robert Shelton.

On average (assuming a 2-Story, 3,000 s.f. house) we complete the model in 2-3 hours and pass it along to the rendering department. Rendering time for a single elevation usually runs around 3-6 hours (depending on complexity). So for a streetscape you can assume 2-3 hours per model / 3 hours for rendering per elevation / 3-4 hours to finalize the streetscape (housing placement, sky, landscape, etc.). We are a production firm so we have to work as fast and efficiently as possible (w/o sacrificing quality).

JayThat's pretty decent time frame considering the level of detail you include. What rendering engine did you say you are using?

2007-01-09, 11:10 PM
It is but that is coming from a highly proficient modeler and graphic artist. Our graphic artist has perfected his work (and our production process) for over 7 years so that plays a HUGE role in the speed and level of detail able to be achieved in that time.

We exclusively use Autodesk VIZ for our rendering work.


2007-01-09, 11:13 PM
We exclusively use Autodesk VIZ for our rendering work.

JayI was curious if you were using mental ray which ships with VIZ or just the scanline renderer.

Also, are you using GI with radiosity lighting or are you still using Omni lights. Having built your production up over the years I'm curious if you have tried to adpat to using GI or not.

2007-01-10, 05:58 PM
On this project he used Mental Ray FG 1500 and GI 1000. The materials used and how they are setup also effect the way the lighting appears. We have worked with scanline but at this time we loose time perfecting the render for our production work needs.
