View Full Version : Line styles logic

2006-12-09, 10:47 PM
What is the intended usage difference between <Hidden> (black 1/8" Hidden at lineweight 1) and Hidden Lines (green dashed at lineweight 1). For that matter, what is the significance of the <> in some names? Do these line styles behave differently, and if so would line styles that I name the same way behave differently? I originally thought these where line styles that Revit used for UI purposes, but Axis of Rotation is a UI line styles in this sense. Lastly, there is no <Invisible> in the Line Styles list. Are there other line styles that are hard coded like this that I just haven't noticed yet?

Thanks to anyone who has some insight here.


2006-12-09, 11:18 PM
I believe that the styles showing up with the <xxxx> are hard coded. You're right, there's no <invisible> linestyle available for detail or model linework. That's just available for the linework tool.

2006-12-10, 08:00 PM
I believe the 1/8" refers to the length of the dash and or gap in the line definition. You can se these dims to whatever you want in the line style editior.

2006-12-10, 08:20 PM
I believe the 1/8" refers to the length of the dash and or gap in the line definition. You can se these dims to whatever you want in the line style editior.

I guess my question is, what is the intended difference in usage? We have two line styles with names that suggest basically the same usage, and yet each is very different from the other. I would have assumed that <Hidden> was some sort of internally used UI thing, but in this case it is the one that makes a rational line for plotting, while Hidden, the seemingly not hard wired one, is green, which makes no sense at all from a plotted sheet standpoint. I am not even sure when I would ever use it, which kind of makes me want to delete it, but without knowing the intent from the Factory, I am loath to do that.
I would add this to a growing list of "What was the Factory's intent here?" questions. I think adopting and using Revit would be much easier with a better sense of how things where intended to be done, or at least the logic behind why they ended up the way they did.
