View Full Version : Ceiling hosted 2-pick families

Andre Baros
2006-12-11, 03:47 PM
Doesn't seam to be possible to create a ceiling (or work-plane) hosted 2-pick family. Can someone please confirm or deny this.

2006-12-11, 04:16 PM
When creating your family, if you use the generic model line based template, and then select the ceiling as the work plane, it'll work.

Andre Baros
2006-12-11, 08:43 PM
Thanks, that works, now I just need to re-draw my family up-side-down.

2008-05-14, 02:07 PM
Has anyone figured out how to correct this, so we don't need to draw the light up-side-down?

2009-02-28, 03:23 PM
I've made a family based on the Generic Model Line Based family. But how do I place this on a ceiling?

When I select a floor plan, I can't place it on the ceiling since you look at it from the top. So when I place it using the 'face' placement setting, the family is placed on top of the ceiling, not below it. When I use the 'workplace' placement setting, I can select the 1st floor workplace and place it on that, but the family is mirrored then and I need to flip it by pressing spacebar. Any easier way to place a Generic Model Line Based family on a ceiling?

And I have no idea how to place it on a wall either. In a 3D view it's possible, but if you want a very specific placement of the family on the wall it's better to use a side view of the wall. How can I achieve this? When I pick an elevation view I cannot place any family on a wall face, but only on horizontal workplanes.