View Full Version : Parametric Parts in ABS2007

2006-12-11, 05:23 PM
I'm trying to create a parametric part. I have a vertical cylinder and want 2 smaller cylinders to come out from the center perpendicular to each other. Whenever I want to insert a parametric part it will always be inserted at the origin. I'd like it to be inserted a certain distance above the origin so the smaller cylinders do not appear at the base of the larger. How could I go about accomplishing this?

Side note:
There wouldn't be a problem if the branches were at the same height, then I could just offset the xy plane however high the branches need to be. But since I need varying heights it's not that easily fixed.

2006-12-14, 02:38 AM
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish.

Is the any way you can post a picture or drawing of what you're trying to build and what problems/issues are keeping you from achieving your goals.

2006-12-14, 05:25 PM
Ok. The cylinder in cyan is the part I can't manage. When inserting a primitive they all originate at the origin. (the magenta dot in the center). To manage 1 elevation problem I offseted the XY (yellow) Plane down a little ways. That way the branches wouldn't show up at the base of the tank. Now I need to find a way to put one branch directly under the other. There has to be a way to manage the location of primitives other than offsetting a plane.