View Full Version : Importing legacy floor plans

2006-12-12, 09:07 PM
I am embarking on a fitup in a large floorplan done in another CAD package. First I have to Revitize the old floorplan. I just did one a couple of weeks ago and here is the problem. When I hover over a wall and draw the revit element, it obliterates the window locations. I then cannot find the existing windows to make revit windows. All I need is mullion locations so I don't want to import elevations and do windows there as they are somewhat complex. What are my options for finding and emulating the windows? Is it changing the wall to glass? And how is the best way to do that?

Tom Dorner
2006-12-12, 09:16 PM
First off, try setting the view to 'wireframe' (keyboard shortcut WF) this should let you see the windows under the Revit objects.

Second, if you are just doing the TI's and have an AutoCAD base it is not necessary for just flat CD views to even model the shell in Revit. I trace the exterior with a room seperation line to get the rooms to close, or place a 'sill wall' that is 1/2" thick and 3' high to close off the rooms and for hosting outlets and such.


2006-12-12, 09:23 PM
Let me see if I understand you correctly on the manner in which you're working. You've brought in another 'plan' to use as an underlay (created by another program) - similar to linking in an Acad dwg in plan view to 'draw over'. When you're drawing over the plan's walls, you're covering over the plan (obliterate)- and can't see the window/mullion locations? Am I close?

There are two ways to fix this.

If you've brought this in as a linked file (NOT exploded), and you're in your plan view - you should be able to select the linked elements. When you do this, there should be a Foreground/Background button now in the Options bar (above). You can 'Brin the elements' to the foreground, or on top of the wall geometry.
The other way is to select the Wireframe option in the dialogue box at the bottom of the View. This will allow you to "see" through the geometry and select or align elements to your plan below.
HINT: remember to make a Duplicate view for your plan import (name it something like Acad Plan or whatever)- and Link the file in as 'Current View Only'.
Hope this helps!

Mike Sealander
2006-12-12, 09:35 PM
You might also try setting the elevation of the imported plan to a few feet above the level you're drawing in, but below the cut plane of the view.

2006-12-13, 05:10 AM
Thanks for the help. All those things worked. I did everything I needed to accomplish.

2006-12-13, 11:28 PM
remember to delete hatches and text, explode everthing, place everything on layer 0 and purge then saveas before you import/link. Otherwise you end up with lots of unwanted object styles etc

I wish there was an easy way to get rid of that junk once you have it in the model but there isnt. The hatches are especially annoying, you could ned up with 500 hatches by the end of the project and it takes alot of time to take them out after the fact.

2006-12-14, 04:16 AM
Is there a way to retrieve layers other than what you selected on linking in the .dwg file?

By the way, if you place everything on one layer, you can't select the things you want to see and don't want to see. I am linking a .dwg file converted from a datacad file.