View Full Version : wall section/ building section tags/cuts

2006-12-13, 06:33 PM
i am now getting into wall/bldg sections and i was wondering if anyone knew the "rule" that guides placement of a wall section cut next to a building section cut and having revit do an "auto callout" on the building section - i didn't even know it would do this - and if the "range" is editable... if i move the wall sections cut too far away from the bldg cut, the "callout" on the bldg section goes away... and sometimes it doesn't work at all no matter how close i place it... and i'm making sure the wall section cut is within the bldg section cut range...

we like to tag our wall sections on the plan so you don't have to always flip from plan-to bldg section-to wall section...


2006-12-13, 06:58 PM
The wall section will show as a callout on the building section if the extents of the wall section are crossed by the building section cut plane.

Now if in plan you want tags for the wall sections too, you could place a new section mark and check the "Reference other view" option on the Options Bar and select your wall section.

2006-12-13, 07:10 PM

just paying attention to the cut planes handles all my wall sections except for two. for some reason they aren't co-operating... and if you move the cut too far away from the bldg cut - still within the cut plane - the callout goes away... is there any way to adjust that...

using "reference... " is sweet also, but i like the auto callout too. i'd like to save "reference... " for true "sim" situations... and so i "know' which call outs were generated automatically and which werent, with out having to go to that section...

2006-12-13, 07:39 PM
using "reference... " is sweet also, but i like the auto callout too. i'd like to save "reference... " for true "sim" situations... and so i "know' which call outs were generated automatically and which werent, with out having to go to that section...
But you're trying to show both a building section AND a wall section in plan, correct? If your wall section was created by doing a callout from the building section, then the reference section is the only way I'm aware of. If you have a wall section & tag in plan and that section is cut by the building section cut plane that is also placed in plan, then you get the "automatic callout" on your building section. And as far as I remember, the callout boundaries in section are controlled by the crop region of the wall section.