View Full Version : Roof - Adjusting overhang

2006-12-14, 09:16 PM
Any suggestions on why when I edit the overhang of one roof face, all is well, but when I edit another face, the roof generates an double slope?

The roof was created by someone on our team, so I don't know all the specifics, but it looks like it was drawn using lines, not using Pick Walls.

The attached .PDF has a small video embedded and I've attached a stripped down .rvt.


2006-12-14, 10:43 PM
I can't figure out why but it has something to do with having the 2 slopes on the roof. The portion that you can adjust with no problem is 9/12 and the other portion of the roof is set to 5/12. I've noticed that once you stretch past the edge of the 9/12 pitch is when it turns into a double pitch roof. Try changing the entire roof to a 9/12 pitch.

2006-12-14, 11:21 PM
Interesting little hiccup you found there! I did a little poking around in your model and found that the problem (I believe) is a case of "sticky ridges". In the picture I've attached you can see that the double slope only occurs when the ridge is close to its neighboring one. Revit seems to think they need to be aligned, does so, and in the process forces you to have a multi-sloped roof.

This is what happens when you let software think for you. In 9 out of 10 cases it saves you a lot of work and in that 1 case you bang your head on your keyboard in frustration.

We should definitely let Lev from the Revit development team take a look at this. He's our friendly neighborhood roof expert...

P.S. What software did you use to record your multi-media PDF? I'd love to have that for our office!

2006-12-18, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I will post to Revit Support...

FYI - We use Camtasia to capture video. Since you can't post .avi or .wmv files to this forum, I used Powerpoint, embedded the video, then output .pdf using Adobe. Actually works rather nice :)

2006-12-18, 06:36 PM
Hmmm it doesn't look to me like Revit's trying to align the ridges. It looks like Revit is interpolating as there is no "solution" to the geometry you're trying to define by the lines defining slope and their rise, and so it's trying to close the roof in some way, thus creating that additional slope. Make the slope of that problem sketch line 8" instead of 5 and you'll see that it'll resolve it.