View Full Version : Many roof questions

Dave Lewis
2006-12-17, 06:00 AM
I have many roof questions

I am trying to make a roof as shown on the jpgs
I'm not even sure what you call this type of roof
Its where you have a gable roof and another gable pops out in the middle
The facia is all inline. The roof line is not supposed to jog out like as show on the jpg. How do I do this?

Also my building has a first floor roof and a second floor roof.
I put the first floor roof one the second floor level. Is this correct?

I want my roof outline to show as a hidden outline on my floor plans.
But on the second floor plan I should see the first floor roof ridge and edges as solid
How do I do this?

Right now on the second floor my first floor roof does not have a ridge line, just 2 lines parallel to the ridge about 2' offset from the ridge line.

2006-12-17, 02:51 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong here. You want a gable perpendicular to a gable and the ends match. For this I've used the slope arrows after I split the edit line in the middle. I'm not sure how it will work if you want your roof end to look like you have it in the second drawing because your tails are perpendicular to your slope. Unless you slope the gable end fascia also.

You need to place your roofs on the level line you want it. First floor walls attach to what level? This is your level you will tell your roof to attach to.

You might need to adjust your view range to see the ridge. But if you're just looking for dashed lines I wouldn't adjust this. Just underlay the roof in question and use the linework tool with your dashed lines and then turn off your underlay.

Dave Lewis
2006-12-17, 08:40 PM
Yes gable perpendicular to another gable
I have tried sliting the end lines and one slopes but the other does not
I end up getting a bunch of errors and revit cannot show the roof

2006-12-17, 11:07 PM
check out the file I attached. I think I was mistaken with what you were asking. It looks like you want a gable with a smaller gable with ridges parallel, but not aligned. I also put in the file a for instance of the slope arrows in case you wanted gables perpendicular to one another

Dave Lewis
2006-12-17, 11:52 PM
woops I think I posted the wrong image
too many different threads
yes a perpendicular gable like that
but yours is 2 different roof systems
is that the way to go?
How do I merge those into one roof?

Scott D Davis
2006-12-17, 11:55 PM
can you post a plan view sketch of what you are trying to do for this roof?

2006-12-18, 03:04 AM
Here's the same roof but all within one sketch.

2006-12-18, 04:13 AM
you could do 2 if you want. or you can do 1. depends on your particular circumstance. sometimes it's easier to do 2 separate roofs and join them together and cut out the excess you don't need.

Dave Lewis
2006-12-19, 03:56 AM
attached is a roof and some sketch lines