View Full Version : Tagging in legends

Mike Sealander
2006-12-19, 06:07 PM
It doesn't seem possible to tag a window, or a wall- for instance- in a legend. Nor does is seem possible to dimension a wall segment in a legend.
What have people been doing?

2007-01-01, 06:06 PM
Seems like an obvious "hole" but the objects we place in legends aren't "real", they are just symbols otherwise we'd be adding real objects to the database and they'd be messing up our schedules. That said, we sure need a way to intelligently "tag" them to be sure they use the correct category of tag and a way to identify them that doesn't impact schedules.

So all this you know...

For walls instead of dimensions I add text notes that includes the dimension of the layer. (like the attached image) You could also use the fake dimension annotation object that others have shared in the recent past.

For tags, a "dumb" symbol with parameter that can be edited and it looks like a regular tag for that category, have to use the "right" one.

Henry D
2007-01-01, 08:15 PM
Hosted objects in Legends (i.e. windows, doors) can be dimensioned, but unfortunately non-hosted objects like walls can't be dimensioned...I hope this can be fixed because I feel much better with "live" dimensions for my wall types. So for now I am using callouts.