View Full Version : Symbolic Lines Question

2006-12-20, 08:33 PM
I've created an attic access panel for use in residential and am not getting the results I was looking for and could use a little help. I created an opening in the ceiling plane, added a panel and frame and symbolic line that I wanted to show up on the floor. When I load it into a project I get the access panel but don't get the symbolic lines showing up on the floor like I wanted. Is this not possible. I've attached my access panel family for reference.

2006-12-20, 09:20 PM
The reason the symbolic lines don't show up is because the object (in this case attic access panel) is not passing through your view's cut plane. A simple work-around in these cases is to add an invisible model line from your object to the floor. This will cause the view's cut plane to recognize the attic access panel.

I am attaching an edited version of your family object. Hopefully it works!

2006-12-20, 09:50 PM
That worked great. Thanks for your help.