View Full Version : "SIM" in Interior Elevation tags

2006-12-20, 08:49 PM
When inserting a Interior Elevation tag that references another interior elevation the word "SIM" does not show up in the plan. I have tested this with a plan callout and it works in this instance. Any suggestions?


2006-12-20, 08:59 PM
Go into the type properties of the elevation and change the value for Reference Label to SIM

2006-12-20, 09:18 PM
I did that David, it is defaulted to "Sim" in properties. the work "Sim" It just doesn't show up in the drawing when I put a check next "References other view" and select the view. It works fine in plan call out just not in interior elevations tags.

2006-12-22, 04:18 AM
That should have worked. Are you sure that your are looking at the very mark that you're modifying the Reference Label? If so, I would contact Autodesk and begin a Support Request. The Reference Label is suppose to show whenever you check the "Reference other view" option in the Option Bar.