View Full Version : R & D Lounge Not Sorting with Other Revit Threads in New Posts

Kevin Janik
2006-12-21, 08:17 PM
Could all the Revit forums post together? The R & D Lounge is posting way down in the list of forums after many other non-Revit forums. Keeping them together would be great!!!

With the release of the Revit Content now and other API developments it would be great to see them with the other Revit forums so that we do not miss anything. I think one of the other Revit forums does the same.

Check that forum out if you have missed it too! Good things to come!

2006-12-21, 08:26 PM

I don't follow you? This is what the forum structure looks like, see attached image. Are you referring to search results? When you search the Revit parent forum for New Posts you should find all posts segregated to just Revit topics, see second image.

Kevin Janik
2006-12-21, 08:37 PM

If you use the "New Post" link at the top of the page you will get all the Revit forum posts together except the R & D Lounge. That is what I use to get all the new Revit posts at once. It works great since I can see almost all the Revit posts at once with out paging around.

Try it right now and you will see what I mean. The R & D Lounge will end up posting after the AutoCAD General forum, right now on page #3 and the other Revit forums are only on page #1.

If you do not do it soon go to the R & D Lounge and post there as a test. There is a thread there I made a long time ago you can use that relates to this post.


2006-12-21, 08:56 PM
I see. I never use the New Post you use because it doesn't filter for just the Revit forums. That is why I use the Search This Forum and the New Posts option as in the second image of my earlier post.

The reason for the separation is that each forum has a unique number associated with it and the R&D forum was created much later than the rest. It would be possible to shift it by giving it a new number but there are a great many forums here in AUGI now and I'm not sure how much fun it would be to change. Have you tried the option I've described yet?

2006-12-21, 09:27 PM
Thanks Steve for this tip. I am a long time AUGI user but I never noticed that such option existed. May I use this opportunity and congratulate you with AUGI board selection by suggesting that forums UI may benefit from a review by usability experts. ;)

Kevin Janik
2006-12-21, 09:39 PM
Thanks Steve for this tip. I am a long time AUGI user but I never noticed that such option existed. May I use this opportunity and congratulate you with AUGI board selection by suggesting that forums UI may benefit from a review by usability experts. ;)


Same for me! I will try the new way you suggest from now on. Always can learn newer and better ways it seems.


2006-12-21, 09:39 PM
Thanks Steve for this tip. I am a long time AUGI user but I never noticed that such option existed. May I use this opportunity and congratulate you with AUGI board selection by suggesting that forums UI may benefit from a review by usability experts. ;)Touche' You've been waiting for an opportunity to use that line for some time eh? :smile: It's just a matter of "training" :wink:

The New Posts option makes sense if you really want a forum wide search. It wouldn't hurt if there were options offered under that heading for current forum and all forums though.

Kevin Janik
2006-12-21, 09:46 PM
Touche' You've been waiting for an opportunity to use that line for some time eh? :smile: It's just a matter or "training" :wink:

The New Posts option makes sense if you really want a forum wide search. It wouldn't hurt if there were options offered under that heading for current forum and all forums though.


That would be a great idea also!


2006-12-21, 10:06 PM
... It would be possible to shift it by giving it a new number but there are a great many forums here in AUGI now and I'm not sure how much fun it would be to change. Have you tried the option I've described yet?Thanks Steve,
I've tried that option, great tip.

As to renumbering the R & D forum, I'd be the first person to start moaning, 'cos other forums like the "forum français" for instance ;) is generally buried down under 5 pages of new Revit posts. If you guys push us down any deeper I am afraid some of our people might suffocate.
Having said that, once I've managed to translate your latest tip, perhaps this will be less of a problem for us from now on.

:beer: Cheers guys,:beer:

2006-12-21, 10:33 PM
...other forums like the "forum français" for instance ;) is generally buried down under 5 pages of new Revit posts. If you guys push us down any deeper I am afraid some of our people might suffocate.That's the last thing we want to be responsible for!!! Thanks for offering your insight.