View Full Version : Viewport vs. layer manager

2006-12-22, 03:01 PM
My wish is to be able to utilize layer manager per viewport. So you can dbl. click in the viewport then use layer manager and only have that one viewport's layers change. It would be invaluable when placing multiply floor plans on one page when all the floors are drawn in one base file and layered correctly.

2006-12-22, 03:06 PM

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, you can already have layers turned on or off, or frozen or thawed per viewport, is this what you mean or are you talking about layer colours, linetypes etc.

2006-12-27, 02:57 PM
I want to be able to use saved layer sets from layer manager per the viewport. For example: we use one base file that contains floor plan and reflected ceiling plan and use saved layer set to switch back and forth with ease. If I want to put those 2 plans on the same layout...right now I have to go thru and freeze the layers per viewport so they appear correctly...my wish is to be able to use the layer manager sets I've already saved.
I hope this clears it up?