View Full Version : Authorization Never Takes

2006-12-23, 03:24 PM
My Revit always ask me to register. I have called 5 times to authorize my Revit. What is going on? I'm tired of putting in codes.

2006-12-23, 03:52 PM
I had a very similar problem. The fault was a USB hard drive enclosure that screwed up my authorization. Disconnect the drive when you install Revit and when you start it up. If you need more info I can past the reply from support.


2006-12-23, 06:03 PM
Do you have SATA drive ?

2006-12-26, 03:24 PM
I screws up when I Sync a portable HD from my laptop. Is there a fix? Yes I do have a SATA drive.

2006-12-26, 04:05 PM
The problem is probably with the portable drive. Make sure it is not connected when you install Revit or start Revit. The Revit install writes licensing info to the portable drive and it writes it in a place that cannot be removed by formatting. (sounds like a virus to me. Not nice). I would post a support request just to get the right info for your situation since you also have a SATA drive. It also might help Autodesk to write a licensing scheme that doesn't infect portable devices.


Mike Sealander
2006-12-26, 09:01 PM
That's interesting. I'm running 9.1 on a Dell XP box, don't really know what kind of hard drive, but occasionally the registration doesn't take when I start Revit, and I've accidentally closed the last Revit window and the application quits without prompting a save. Other times I'll hit CTRL+C and get the registration dialog box, at which time I have to hit "Register". I don't know if my problem is related to a drive connection state.

2006-12-26, 11:18 PM
I screws up when I Sync a portable HD from my laptop. Is there a fix? Yes I do have a SATA drive.

Check on the AutoCAD side of the website there is patch for SATA drive. Since it's the registration process that it's being patch, maybe that affect Revit also.

2006-12-29, 05:18 PM
Oops, I sound like a moron. I missed the the "t" in "it". Thanks for the help.

2006-12-29, 09:08 PM
Does it fixed it ?

2006-12-30, 01:17 AM
I'm out of town. I just read the support page and will try the fix when I get back to my office and let you know.

2006-12-30, 06:38 PM
I have just started having this problem on my laptop. It is not SATA and no usb drive connected. Started happening with last two latest builds.

2006-12-30, 10:03 PM
Apparently the problem can also be triggered by USB memory sticks and cell phones.


2007-01-03, 12:31 PM
I downloaded the hot-fix from the Autodesk site. When I loaded the file it said I already had it installed. I problem occurs only when I sync my HD with a External HD. Maybe Revit can get a fix because it's very annoying.

2007-01-03, 03:26 PM
I'll say it's annoying. My Revit ******* out again last night and now I have to call up Autodesk to get a new authorization. (You become a member of the criminal class after 3 license failures). Unfortunately they are experiencing problems and can't take my call. Autodesk ****holes. I just wish there was a way to use Revit without ever having to deal with the Autodesk.
Regarding a "hot Fix". I was told by Autodesk experts that there was nothing they could do since the license software writes to the boot record of the hard drive and cannot be erased. Good bye hard drive. Thank you Autodesk.

2007-01-04, 12:53 PM
Well, it happened again today even when I didn't sync. Every time I turn my computer on it happens. I can not keep wasting my time calling AutoDesk. Revit guys, (original ones from Revit before AutoDesk) please help!

2007-01-04, 03:18 PM
The reason it is happening even if you are not syncing anything is that you probably made the last install with a usb device installed. Windows is thinking this is a hard drive so the license gets written there. If you then disconnect it and start Revit it will look in both places for a license and when it doesn't see the second one it craps out. You have to make sure there is nothing plugged in when you install. You also have to make sure you never have Revit running when you have this other drive connected and running because the licenses won't have the same authorization. You cannot erase this license on the other drive because Autodesk licensing behaves like a virus and writes to the boot record of the disk.


2007-01-05, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the reply. I will try it one more time.