View Full Version : Material key and... well abusing it

2006-12-29, 04:37 AM
I understand the difference between a material key and a material tag essentially to be this:
Material tags are inherently more useful because we can create tags to most of the aspects of the material parameters available on the material ID properties page (unfortunately except KEY)
Material Keys are intended to be used in conjunction with the keynote text file which..well we will stop this sentence there.

What I found interesting is that if I desire to assign a keynote manually into the material definition (such as PT-1 for material Paint 1) I can do this, AND the material keynote does not really care that this value is not in the keynote text file.

I just tested this on a wall type that had not been keynoted and is true of the element type keynote also.

my question is: is there any danger in doing this? Programatically will this keynote symbol be looking to the text file at any time in the near future and finding this entry lacking give up the ghost?

2006-12-29, 07:06 AM
Tag > Material: bound to material parameter description
Keynote > Material: bound to the material parameter keynote

The value you manually enter into the field in the materials dialog will persist until you do otherwise however it will not be able to display the keynote description since it doesn't technically exist as part of the keynote table. When you select a keynote tag and then try to change the value Revit will load the keynote table and not permit changing unless you go back to the material dialog or the properties of the keynote tag itself.

2006-12-29, 07:43 AM
Tag > Material: bound to material parameter description
Keynote > Material: bound to the material parameter keynote.

Mr Steve!
Tag > Material: bound to material parameter description (or Model or or MFR or comment or URL or cost or Mark [or project parameters you have added to the material] he he he...)
Yepper I saw this happening, just wanted to make sure I was not corrupting the young revit file with my bad habits before I set this in motion

thanks for the reply, go to bed already!