View Full Version : Referencing Section/Elevations in Linked RVT files

2007-01-03, 03:59 PM
I would like to know if there is a way to Reference a section or elevation from a Linked RVT file.

Currently working with another architecture firm on a single building - we have modeled 4 of the levels and they have modeled the top 2 levels. They are responsible for issuing building sections and elevations but we need to be able to show the symbols and referenced sheets on our plans.

Currently the only work around I can come up with is to create a detached copy of their central file and copy the section over to our file, then rename the section and drop the view onto a 'reference' sheet with the same sheet name/number to allow the section to correspond in our view.

Is there a better way?

Currently the annotations in the vis/graphics of the linked file do not even show Elevation or Sections as an option to turn on nor do the linked file sections etc show up in the drop down that comes up when you typically reference a section.

Hope there is a way - if not it is a wish list item.


Justin Marchiel
2007-01-03, 04:26 PM
i think if you search the forum the concensus is that you create dummy section and reference those. saves you copying the sections into your file.


2007-01-11, 04:01 PM
I create the detached file and copy the section so that it is placed in the exact same spot - in ends up being pretty much as fast as just creating a section and trying to eyeball the proper location.

Guess this is a wish list item :)