View Full Version : View Peculiarity - even a word?

2007-01-03, 11:37 PM
I have a project in our office that is behaving a bit erratically. I can't seem to pinpoint why, but I'm curious if anyone else had noticed these problems, or if anyone has the "why" answer...

1. Views seem to have picked their own random spot to open. For instance, we've clipped or filtered (or both) views so that only certain geometry can be seen. We focus the view on that area. Save, etc... When we open the view again it is back where there is no geometry. I haven't figured out how to affect this setting, or where that info is stored.

2. Then we have a bigger issue. We have some windows in some exterior stacked walls, all of which are combined into groups which are then copied and mirrored all over the place. The windows in this group are showing up strangely in different views. For instance. Our level one plan is perfect. Cut plane at 4'-o" above the ref. level., etc... Yet, our Pad Plan is also showing the window as being cut through, and isn't showing the infill that should be showing since the cut is at 2'-0" above the ref. level which is a good 2' below the window mullions. (The mullions and infill are part of the window family however.) I've checked the family, and the right geometry is assigned to the right subcategories, and the visibilities are all set to show in plan/rcp only when cut. Also, the 2nd floor isn't correct either. The windows there are being cut through as well (I'm sure) but no matter what settings we mess with, they won't show up. Just the hole they make in the wall. I've checked that family as well. It seems like he cut plane in the views is not where it says it is, and is cutting things arbitrarily. I've checked VG settings, and object styles in the project, I've ungrouped the walls and windows, and I've gone through the families multiple times searching for a problem, and I'm at a loss.

I'm about to send this off to support, but I thought I'd run both things by you all here first.

Thanks for any help/suggestions.


2007-01-04, 04:56 AM
1. I have this happen too. Id' like to type ZA and have the view stay that way, but it doesn't. I think it has something to do with how far the origin is from the location of your objects in that cropped view. I don't know of any solution to this, other than telling users to type ZA before panicking :)

2. Could it be that someone inadvertently moved your levels?

2007-01-04, 01:51 PM
I don't think so. However, I can't say for sure. The problem for me is that this is in our wall types library too. It seems a bit silly that people should be having to ZA every time they open it.

It happens in our other files, with a few views, but in those ZA is fine with me. In our library files it isn't. I need some way to anchor the views. I'm going to try placing those views on sheets, and maybe that will anchor them in place?


2007-01-04, 04:24 PM
I wonder if you have some invisible line or something out there in space that is making Revit try to center the view over everything. Window an area where you shouldn't have anything and check the filter icon to see if anything was selected. Before oding this, make sure every category is turned on.

2007-01-04, 06:49 PM
I would rather have your problems than mine... I am somewhat new to Revit, but think I know enough about the basics... however, I have corners where my walls just unjoin themselves at random and sometimes it takes forever for them to rejoin... then I have exterior walls that just shift 2" or so out of line with an abutting wall... AND I have a stacked wall that if I change anything on it it no longer displays properly and the only way I have found to fix it is to delete and redraw! Fun stuff!

Hope you get your issues solved! Sorry I am no help...

2007-01-04, 08:40 PM
Well, it is traditional to try to stick to a topic within a thread, but since it was your first post I'll let it slide...

My two cents on your problem:

You have over constrained your model and are reaping the rewards. We had the same problem on our first project. Too many useless constraints. The kind of behavior you are noticing is typically a result of that. Aside from going through your whole project and trying to un-constrain things, try pinning down elements you don't want to move anymore. This usually works as a stop-gap solution. Next time you build a model, don't constrain things unless it is absolutely necessary.

As for your mysterious stacked wall problem, not enough detail for me to figure it out.

Last bit of advice, do the Revit version of Purge and Audit.

"Purge Unused" can be found in the file menu. An Audit can be done when opening a project. In the open dialog, you'll notice two check boxes down at the bottom right. One is Audit. Check it, and then hold on for the ride. (I'd save a backup of the original first in case it gets "creative").

Best of luck!

2007-01-04, 09:35 PM
here's my thoughts...
1. i assumed that the views open up to the 'center' of the model - regardless of your crop regions. i agree, seems like there should be a setting for this. i haven't found it yet....
2. perhaps the groups are causing your crisis. seems like they add more issues than solutions sometimes. try ungrouping....
good luck,

2007-01-04, 10:42 PM
We have tried un-grouping. Several times. Has no effect on how things are displaying. One of two things are happening as far as I can tell:

1. The view's cut plane is not where it says it is. (seems unlikely).

2. placing a window in the stacked wall causes confusion as to where the cut in the window family is occurring thus causing the windows to be cut consistently regardless of where the cut plane is located.

All of this is very strange. I'm betting the center of the project is the default spot it is going to. I'm going to have to try using sheets to fix this behavior, or just use sheets for my purposes. Haven't yet had a chance.

Thanks again everyone!