View Full Version : Subcategory for Filled Region in Family

2007-01-04, 02:38 PM
I am trying to control the visibility of graphics within a family category by using subcategories. Why am I unable to assign a sub-category to a filled region that is in my family? Is there a way to control the visibility of the filled region along with other graphic elements within the same family category?

2007-01-04, 04:01 PM
I am trying to control the visibility of graphics within a family category by using subcategories. Why am I unable to assign a sub-category to a filled region that is in my family? Is there a way to control the visibility of the filled region along with other graphic elements within the same family category?
Filled Regions pretty much their own thing <Detail Items> and you are correct - can't be assigned a subcategory. The linework of the filled region can be assigned a sub-category.

To control the visibility of the filled region, assigned it a Yes/No parameter to the Visibile property of the filled region.

2007-01-04, 05:00 PM
Filled Regions pretty much their own thing <Detail Items> and you are correct - can't be assigned a subcategory. The linework of the filled region can be assigned a sub-category.

To control the visibility of the filled region, assigned it a Yes/No parameter to the Visibile property of the filled region.

Thanks for the tip... unfortunately, it's not what I wanted to hear... but what I feared! Oh well... would be nice to be able to subcatagorize the filled regions within an annotation family, dont you think?

2007-01-04, 05:30 PM
Don't forget you can also use the Visibility settings of Low, Medium and High. This may do what you want. Otherwise, I've found the Yes/No parameter to work out perfectly. Do you have an example of what you are trying to do?

2007-01-04, 05:40 PM
Basically, I am trying to split up a power and communications plan into wall mounted outlets and floor cores. (normally, this is not how I'd like to do things, but there are a ton of fixtures, and it is getting very messy.) Some of the outlets are actual outlets with tags, others are just drafted symbols. The tags I can "turn off" by changing the outlets to a different workset and hiding that workset's visibility in the view. However, because the other symbols were all drawn as Generic Annotations, I cannot easily control which ones I want to show up in the view or which ones I want to hide. I have attached an example of one of the symbols I am trying to subcatagorize so that I can control its visibility independent of the other annotations.

2007-01-04, 06:45 PM
However, because the other symbols were all drawn as Generic Annotations, I cannot easily control which ones I want to show up in the view or which ones I want to hide. I have attached an example of one of the symbols I am trying to subcatagorize so that I can control its visibility independent of the other annotations.
Generic anotations are view specific to begin with - so there is no need to place them unless you really want them in that view. Hence - no need to turn things on and off.

Are you nesting that into a electrical device family? If these are in as electrical devices, then you'll be able to turn on and off the symbol by applying a filter to electrical devices (such as filter for only wall mounted devices.) You of course then gain other advantages of scheduling etc...

2008-03-04, 07:40 PM
to add to the Filled region rant...

why can't i filter filled regions. everytime i want to halftone a filled region, i pretty much have to override each element individually. filled regions are classified as detail items, but when setting up filters, you don't really have many options with detail items.

2008-03-04, 10:07 PM
Well - typically you wouldn't halftone a filled region. You would use a filled region style that is halftone. Since detail items exist in only one view - there is no need to use overrides. They are what they are. The override you are applying just slows down the system.

I think this just points out what a poorly conceived concept the override by element is. (Bad UI, slow graphics, confused with temporary hide/isolate, increased cad management, broken cad standards implementation, etc., etc.)

2008-03-04, 10:17 PM
i have been halftone-ing my filled regions to achieve the shading color which shows up light enough. since Revit doesn't have screening like autocad, i have resorted to this. although, this is the first time i have been messing with colors, and it seems that perhaps lightening the color might work the same. huh. like i said, i'm experimenting with colors starting this week.

2008-03-04, 10:37 PM
Simply pick a lighter color when you create the filled region style.

2011-02-10, 07:30 PM
Giving this thread a bump, as it's something Autodesk should seriously consider improving. I have a filled region within an annotation family. I've given all of the annotation family line-work proper subcategory assignments, and then loaded into my component family, which also has appropriate subcategory assignments.

Everything looks great in the intended ceiling plan view. However, because filled regions don't honor subcategory assignments, all of the line work shuts off in the roof plan, when the subcategory is turned off, but the filled regions don't. I have but two choices at this point... toggle off *all Generic Annotations, which turns off other items that I need to see in this view, <OR> select all instances and hide them in the view, which is extraordinarily inefficient. I don't consider either option to be acceptable; work-arounds are *not solutions.

2018-03-14, 04:29 PM
... However, because filled regions don't honor subcategory assignments, all of the line work shuts off in the roof plan, when the subcategory is turned off, but the filled regions don't. I have but two choices at this point... toggle off *all Generic Annotations, which turns off other items that I need to see in this view, <OR> select all instances and hide them in the view, which is extraordinarily inefficient. I don't consider either option to be acceptable; work-arounds are *not solutions.

This is my exact problem. Any resolution to this?