View Full Version : Linked model frustration - Displaying Elevation Views

2007-01-05, 10:05 PM
I have a very large condo project that I'm working on. I have separate linked files for the skin of the building (2 towers) because its so heavy. These files are linked back into the main file where all of the sheets and views are set up etc. Now when I adjust the graphics in the links using line work and what ever else there is an option in the main model to show the visibility of the link as it is in the link (not the main model).

This is really great for me to use on plans and RCP's to get the envelope to show correctly, but for some stupid reason the box is greyed out in elevation views. I'd really like to know why? I dont have the time to touch up all of my overall elevations and every instance of them that is shown on a vignette sheet.

Justin Marchiel
2007-01-05, 10:16 PM
can't you use click the custom button and modify from there?


2007-01-05, 10:31 PM

I want to use the linework pen tool lines that I have in the link view from the linked model(works GREAT on RCP's and plans).

The messed up thing is that you cant use the pen tool on a link in the main model.

Justin Marchiel
2007-01-05, 11:00 PM
ooo sorry, i miss read your post.

hopefully someone else can help you out.


2007-01-10, 07:06 PM
Anyone have any ideas?

Support has been unresponsive to this issue......

Jeremy Sawicki
2007-01-10, 09:07 PM
Sorry to say it, but you are correct. Revit only allows selection of a linked view in floor and ceiling plans, and the only way to use linework with linked files is via a linked view, so in other kinds of views you are currently out of luck.

Using a linked view is the standard workaround for achieving complete control over the appearance of a linked file in cases where the desired level of control isn't available from the host file, so the fact that linked views aren't available in elevations and other view types means that certain things simply can't be achieved right now. We are aware of this limitation, and I think we will have to change it in the future, but I can't say when that might happen.

2007-01-10, 10:18 PM
The extended control of linked files and their views is an ongoing project. We only got this additional control of floor plans as of 9.0 and 9.1. So it remains just out of reach at this time.

2007-01-10, 10:48 PM
The extended control of linked files and their views is an ongoing project. We only got this additional control of floor plans as of 9.0 and 9.1. So it remains just out of reach at this time.

This would be an example where I would prefer they wait until it works for ALL view types before they roll it out at all. Not having it at all is a bummer. Having it half way is REALLY annoying. Imagine a spellcheck that only worked on the letters A-M? I really wish Autodesk would have the guts to NOT ship something that really isn't ready or complete yet.
You know the old saying; "What is the one thing worse than training your staff and having them leave? Not training them and having them stay!" Well, the only thing worse than not having a feature is having a feature that doesn't work!

Just my $0.02 anyway.


2007-01-10, 11:25 PM
Yes, I also ran into this problem after wasting time seting up the parent file. Really hoping this is flushed out in 10.0.

As for Autodesk, they have a LOOOOONG standing practice of promoting new functionality without making any effort to inform the users of the current implementations limitations. This has been my number one peeve with them for decades now. If you are one to get exited about the possibilities of new functions they are promoting in a new release and tend to jump in and make it work, well, you will often find yourself hanging out in the wind.

Autodesk -Have the guts to mention the limitations for partially implemented functionality. This is a practice of well respected software vendors; because of course that is showing respect to their users. In the end it will create and maintain more enthusiasm-sells (marketing=bullshitting=bad feelings=bad results).

2007-01-10, 11:34 PM
Elevation views have additional problem (vs. plan views), problem to be solved, of potentially oriented differently in linked file, thus showing annotations in such situations could get problematic.

Do you think there are cases when control is needed by elevation view in linked file which is oriented differently from current project elevation view if 'linked view' option would get allowed for elevation views?

2007-01-10, 11:51 PM
Elevation views have additional problem (vs. plan views), problem to be solved, of potentially oriented differently in linked file, thus showing annotations in such situations could get problematic.

Do you think there are cases when control is needed by elevation view in linked file which is oriented differently from current project elevation view if 'linked view' option would get allowed for elevation views?

No not in my case. Everything is linked from a workset with out any other "non skin" geometry. As for showing the north elevation on the south sheet - im not sure why I'd want to do that or how it would happen if the link's views are labeled properly.

2007-01-11, 01:29 AM
It is easy to sit and pick away at the functionality without really understanding the complexity of what we nonchalantly ask for. I for one was glad we gained additional control over the plan views we link in and would not want to wait until elevations come on line to use it.

What Lev is alluding to regarding alignment is that in plan views all the linked files share the same viewpoint, looking down. An elevation may also be looking just North but each linked file may not be facing North in the same way and as you know annotation might not be visible because the elevation of a building at an angle isn't going to be visible at that angle or appropriate in the view.

The developers really have to think these things through because it is never as simple as it seems. Sometimes what is obvious today is so because of what we did yesterday.

2007-01-11, 03:59 AM
I disagree with Gordon on this one. Control of plan views in linked files was a blessing and we used it right away. We couldn't wait to upgrade to 9.0 in order to use it and finish up our project with both RS and RB. I'll gladly wait for more enhancements as they come along but I'm sure glad we got part of this feature in our hands. Heck, if Autodesk did as you suggested, we wouldn't have an elevation tag yet ;)

I don't understand the problem of elevations...so to speak. If the orientation isn't according to what the host file is, I can turn off that annotation. The reason I'd want to use linked views in elevation and section is because of necessary linework editing to make the drawings look right.

Here's a pratical example I ran into and posted about HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=35337). We finished one job and needed to re-site the building with some architectural changes. My idea was to link the finished building into a copy of the original file and delete all model elements from it (that way the sheet setups would be identical). The differences in the two buildings where handled in the original file with Design Options. Most of the sections where the same for both buildings. I did some linework editing and added detail components to flush them out. But, since you cannot use by linked view for sections and elevations, and since you cannot edit linework in linked views, I couldn't construct a good quality set this way. This is an instance where being able to set elevations and sections to By Linked View would have helped me a ton, as I could have created all views in the original project file, set the correct design option and then set the visibility in the second file. This would have helped us manage 2 models in one file (the sheet set would be in the second file by linking the model in), and this happens quite often in our business. Revisions to these two buildings are typically identical, but to keep the models up to date, now I have to manage them in 2 files instead of one.