View Full Version : How do you split a large building into several files?

2007-01-09, 02:47 PM
As we enter DD phase we are about to split a million plus square feet building into several files. However, each wing shares the same ground floor and basement slab. A large atrium connects all wings together.

What is the best way to split the building into several files?
My big concern is the connections between the building components in a linked environment. How do you clean up two linked walls? How do you join the linked exterior walls and the linked ground floor slabs? In most cases you need to work in both files simultaneously using edit cut profiles or unlocking wall layers to overlap to show correctly.

2007-01-09, 02:57 PM
With that big of a building - I'd be splitting it at the expansion joints. That's a natural break where things shouldn't interact - but just butt with each other.

2007-01-09, 04:46 PM
With that big of a building - I'd be splitting it at the expansion joints. That's a natural break where things shouldn't interact - but just butt with each other.

2nd that. it can actually make some of your joint documentation a little easier, as well. As usual, the way it will be built is the way it can usually be modeled.