View Full Version : Manually Upgrade - Corrupt File

2007-01-09, 10:37 PM
In December I started experiencing corrupt revit 9.1 project files. I am using a peer-to-peer network where all data files reside on a Data Server Workstation.

When I try to open a Revit project file that is corrupt an error message occurs stating that the file needs to be manually upgraded. Revit support tells me that none of these file can be saved. They have also told me that this problem has to do with a MS network redirect issue but they are not sure why it is happening, or when they might have a fix, but they have issued a temporary work around where Revit will add a local copy to all file save commands.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

2007-01-12, 10:54 PM
In December I started experiencing corrupt revit 9.1 project files. I am using a peer-to-peer network where all data files reside on a Data Server Workstation.

When I try to open a Revit project file that is corrupt an error message occurs stating that the file needs to be manually upgraded. Revit support tells me that none of these file can be saved. They have also told me that this problem has to do with a MS network redirect issue but they are not sure why it is happening, or when they might have a fix, but they have issued a temporary work around where Revit will add a local copy to all file save commands.

Is anyone else experiencing this?Yes, we experienced the exact same thing. Now, we create local copies of any file to be worked on. The work is then done locally and the completed file is uploaded back to it's location on the server. I had someone lose 4 days worth of work this way. Luckily, we still had tape backup from the weekend we could go back to and restore. This is pretty upsetting, I hope they resolve this issue soon.

2007-01-13, 12:16 AM
I have just received an email message from a Revit user at work with the following error message:

Data in File xxxxx.rvt needs to be manually upgraded. Please contact your Autodesk Revit Service Provider.

This is the only information they have provided me with (and seeing i am not currently in the office I can not confirm anything till Monday) - would this be a similar message to what you are talking about?

If so, how can we solve the problem?

We work with Central (on the server) and Local files uploading to Central at various stages during the day, also, this particular file is linked into several other models.

Any advice would be greatly recieved.

2007-01-13, 02:57 PM
Data in File xxxxx.rvt needs to be manually upgraded. Please contact your Autodesk Revit Service Provider.

This is the only information they have provided me with (and seeing i am not currently in the office I can not confirm anything till Monday) - would this be a similar message to what you are talking about?

Thats exactly the message I received. Autodesk has been unable to save any of the 16+ files and all of their backups that has happened to on our server. They are all lost.

2007-01-22, 04:29 AM
I have recently downloaded Revit 20061202_0700 and find that with the first project I have saved over the network the file is corrupted. This error has occurred with every Revit 9.1 installation when saving over a very small peer network, the server side machine also stalls and kills off the other two users. Revit 9.1 is the only Revit that has done this.

2007-01-26, 03:54 PM
It has been about 2 months now since I first noticed this problem, and every few days all of the Revit files and their backups that I worked on [since the last corruption] are once again corrupted.

Has anyone heard anything from Autodesk on fixing the underlying problem?

The current workarounds are tedious. Does anyone have any ideas?

2007-01-28, 06:31 AM
Could those that have experienced this problem please advise which antivirus software they are using.

I use ca antivirus. While I haven't checked if disabling it on our server helps concerning this problem - I have just fixed exceedingly slow (40-50 seconds) directory display in explorer by replacing the antivirus, it is behaving like a new machine.

2007-01-28, 11:40 PM
Could those that have experienced this problem please advise which antivirus software they are using.

I use ca antivirus. While I haven't checked if disabling it on our server helps concerning this problem - I have just fixed exceedingly slow (40-50 seconds) directory display in explorer by replacing the antivirus, it is behaving like a new machine.

I installed Zone Alarm v6.5.737 on my data workstation days before this problem first occurred. Prior to this I had various versions of Norton Internet Security for the previous 5 years without experiencing this problem. I have detected no other problems.

2007-01-29, 06:29 AM
I have removed Etrust Antivirus from both systems on the peer network and have replaced it with other (unrelated) antivirus software.

With minimal testing (2 hours) I haven't been able to replicate the problem. It may be that Revit's file saving and some Antivirus scanning/locking methods are the culprit.

It is worth a try if you are experiencing this problem.

2007-01-29, 01:39 PM
When installing a new build, make sure you delete ALL local files then copy the central file and open in the new build and save it.
THEN create new local copies

This method worked for us