View Full Version : Combining Phases

2007-01-10, 01:46 AM
I have a project that has been broken into two phases (phase 1=renovation and phase 2=renovations/ additions). The biding has been completed for phase 1 and construction should be starting soon. We have started planning for the next phase of the project which will not start until approximately 2009. What needs to happen is that all the new work associated with phase 1 needs to become "existing" for phase 2. What is the easiest way to do this?

I tried to combine the new construciton phase with the existing and then re-create the new construction phase, but that did not seem to work. The only method I can think of is to go through my new construction plan and change the phase of model objects to existing, but this has been causing me nothing by pain not to mention it is time consuming.

Any thoughts?

2007-01-10, 02:03 AM
If I understand, you ought to be able to leave the phases alone. Create a Phase 3 and Phase 1 and 2 are existing relative to Phase 3. To change a view so that Phase 1 and 2 look the same, use the Phase Filter "Show Complete" which just shows everything according to "By Category".

2007-01-10, 04:35 AM
As Steve said, you don't need to modify the Phase Created of model objects. You can achieve what you want by adding a new phase and setting appropriate Phase Filters. If you want to show your existing in, say, solid black, and new construction (phase 3) in normal representation, then create the following phase filter:

Existing->Overriden (will be defined by the Graphic Overrides for Existing)
New->By Category
Demo->Your choice...if there's no demo, leave this to By Category or Not Displayed
Temporary->Your choice...this applies to objects created and demo'd in Phase 3. This is rarely used, so leave it By Category or Not Displayed.

Now make sure your new views are set to Phase 3. Any model object with Phase Created set to Phase 2 or Phase 1 will be considered as Existing in Phase 3. A view set to Phase 3 has the potential to show objects from Phase 3 backwards, based on what phase filter is applied. Any views you had set previously to Phase 2 will only show from Phase 2 backwards, so you won't see your new objects in them. Anything you create in a view assigned to Phase 3 will inherit that as the Phase Created.

2007-01-11, 11:20 PM
Thanks guys. This is exactly what I was looking for

2007-08-24, 08:22 PM
I would like to revisit this if I could.

Although I have taken David's and Steve's advice, I was wondering what does happen when you combine phases - specifically as it relates to objects. For instance, if I have something that is existing, demolish it as part of new construction and then combine phases, what happens to the existing object? Does it get removed from the views, because technically it should not exist anymore?

Also, is there a hierarchy as it relates to whether a phase is combined with "previous" or "next?" It seems to me that if I combined a newer phase with a previous phase, the previous phase objects would take precedence over the new objects. Which raises the question, where did the new objects go? Did they get removed from the views that referenced new construction?

Has anybody actually combined phases before? If not, then why the option?
I hope that this makes a small bit of sense.

2007-08-24, 11:04 PM
When you combine phases, the objects that "move" from one phase to another have their "Phase Created" changed to match the new phase. Their Phase Demolished stays the same if that happens after the phase you're combining with. So for example let's say you have an object created in Phase 1 and demoed in Phase 2. You combined Phase 1 with Phase 2. Your object will now be assumed as Temporary since the Phase Created will be assigned to Phase 2 and the Phase Demolished will stay as Phase 2. If you now combined Phase 2 with Phase 3, both parameters will change to Phase 3. Similar thinking would apply if you combine in the reverse order. Combining phases helps if you cut a phase in your job, so I would say it's nice to have the option just in case. Change happens :)