View Full Version : Wall height cut limitation

2004-06-30, 05:13 PM
I have a wall that is 5'6 high. I have discovered that Revit will not cut a wall shorter than 6'0" high, not matter what the cut plane settings are. It shows the wall lighter and without the correct hatch for the phase. It will also not show a window placed in this wall. How do I overcome this limitation. Do I have to go around each wall with a region fill to get the proper hatch phase to show up? Plan region will get the window to show up but will not overcome the 6' limit for the cut.

2004-06-30, 05:22 PM
A workaround posted here, I don't remember who or when, is to draw the wall full height (level to level). Then go to an elevation view, draw a reference plane at 5'6", and then attach the top of the wall to the reference plane. It'll show as full height in the plan view.

2004-06-30, 05:40 PM
This should be in the Tips section! (It probably is) Worked great, thanks a lot!!! This forum is a tremendous asset, especially for us loners.

Henry D
2004-06-30, 06:22 PM

I keep trying to up your reputation, but I've already done it once and it won't let me do it again. You should have a lot of those little green boxes after your name!

Scott Hopkins
2004-06-30, 06:28 PM
Also check this post. This method is a little more complicated but has the advantage of not having a spare reference plane floating around...


2004-06-30, 07:10 PM
I don't know why Revit - a great software - is not able to get rid of his (for my personal opinion) stupid limitations... I mean, for what reason we have to workaround in any way with tips & tricks and the people at Revit don't make the only, easy and f*****ing way to give us a little help: doing the things in such a way walls are cut (and accordingly shown) by the cut plane.
Just this.

2004-06-30, 07:43 PM
Apologies for the inconvenience. We are looking into this right now. Any additional insights will be posted. In any case we do our best to improve this in a future release (sorry, can't be more specific than that).

As always, your input is appreciated.

2004-07-01, 05:45 AM
Ok, many thanks.

2004-07-03, 10:10 PM
I've just been banging my head against the wall trying to get a window to show up properly in a wall. Then I realized the wall was less than 6 feet high. I know the work around to get the wall to show up properly, but how do you get a window to show cut in a 5'-6 wall?

2004-07-03, 10:48 PM
Using either of the work-arounds posted above to display the wall also should show the window properly in the wall.

Maybe there is a problem with your window family ?

Can you post what you have and we will have a look.

2004-07-03, 11:41 PM
You're right, it's something to do with the window. all the visibility settings are the same, but no matter what the cut plane is set to it doesn't show up properly. I'm stumped.

2004-07-04, 12:02 AM
It works OK for me. Check that your cut plane is actually cutting the window.

The only thing I did to the window family was to make the opening cut transparent in elevation, but that should have had no effect on the window's plan visibility.

2004-07-04, 12:25 AM
I failed to mention an important point. The window that doesn't show up is the 30 x 24 window. The other (i.e. 30 x 48) windows show up OK. I was going to post the sample project .rvt file but it must have been too big.

2004-07-04, 01:33 AM
If the cut plane is 4'-0", I am assuming this is cutting 4 feet from the associated level. If the sill height is 3' then the window should cut. I know I've done something wrong somewhere but it is a complete mystery what it is. I'll draw in some lines and copy them around.