View Full Version : Dimensioning question?

2007-01-11, 12:09 AM
When I have a dimension string between two walls and want to adjust the distance between them I can't do this by editing the dimension value. Normally, when you select one of the walls the dimension value becomes "blue" text and you can then enter in a new value. I can no longer do this in the current project I am working on for any of the dimensions. The text just stays black or "non-editable" and so to move any specific wall I need to draw a line in plan, then dimension to the line and give it my new distance, and then align the wall I wanted to move to that line. Very time consuming.

Does anyone know what has caused this to happen, and can it be fixed?
Thanks in advance.

Scott D Davis
2007-01-11, 12:32 AM
Have you dimensioned the same objects in any other view and locked the dims? Constrained dims in another view will cause them to not be editable in a current view.

2007-01-11, 01:00 AM
No I haven't locked them in any other view. Even if I add a new dimension to two walls that haven't been dimensioned before it still does this. Would it have anything to do with worksets? This is the only thing I can think of that may be causing this issue, but I have no idea what will correct it.

2007-01-11, 04:24 AM
When you pass a certain threshold in the number of objects placed in a project, Revit does not automatically turn the dimension to blue and thus editable. This is done to speed things up I guess, but I agree...it's annoying :) Anyway, when clicking an dimensioned object, look at your Options bar and you'll have a button called "Activate Dimensions". Click it and notice your dims turning blue. Now you can edit them. If they don't turn blue, then they are not snapped to the object you clicked and you just need to adjust the witness lines. When doing this, make sure you tab through and keep looking at the status bar down at the bottom left of your screen until it reports the reference you're trying to dimension to; then let go.

2007-01-11, 04:52 PM
Yup that was the solution. I didn't notice that button appear in the toolbar.

Thanks a lot.