View Full Version : More Questions about Linked Revit files

2007-01-11, 02:11 PM
After thinking about how best to coordinate our jobs, we are attempting the Link w/ the Copy Monitor option. However, we've noticed that views created in Systems by our electrical consultant aren't showing up in the Architectural plan when linked into our project. Nor are sheets that he set up. He wants us to coordinate the sheets. This is difficult if his views don't show up.

Is this a limitation? Is there a way to have the linked views and sheets show up in our file? How are you all handling this?

thank you!

2007-01-11, 04:21 PM
To see the views as he sees them in his file you need to override the view setting. If you go to the Visibility Graphics and go to the Revit Links tab, you should see the file you've linked in. From here you can would select the Display settings to bring up that dialog window and then you can change the settings to By Linked View so that it will show the specific views you need for coordination or documentation.

While you cant show the sheets he has created, you can schedule them in your drawing list. In the schedule . Hope this helps!

2007-01-12, 04:13 AM
When you link a model, the documentation sheets and views don't show up in your project browser. The model shows up in your views of course. In plan views (and ceiling views), you have the option to set the visibility to one of the views in the linked file by going to the Revit Links tab of Visibility/Graphics and overriding to By Linked View.

2007-08-14, 03:30 PM
This thread is almost exactly what I needed, but...

When I try to control the linked RVT model, the "linked view " option is grayd out and I cannot select it. I'm sure it is something really easy (hope it is!). Can anyone help me out?



2007-08-14, 03:33 PM
As i re-read David's post, I see this applied only to plan views. Is there any way to turn off grid bubbles and elevation tags in elevations and sections?

2007-08-15, 02:11 PM
If you want to control elements/annotation that exist in both the host and in the linked project, you'll have to either use "By Linked View" (for plan views) and uncheck visibility in that linked project view, or use Custom and control categories individually.

2007-08-15, 02:36 PM
Thanks David.

I just tryed the custom controls and that does give more flexibility, especially with the filters. I still cannot get the levels and grid bubbles to not show using this technique...

BUT I did try this and it gave me the outcome that I wanted.

I created worksets *duh*. It is just me on the project at this time, so I had not done so yet.

I left it with just "Shared Levels and Grids" and "Workset 1" for the time being. That way i could remove and reattach the reference building with "Shared Levels and Grids" turned off and got the result I wanted.

...maybe someone else will find this to be useful.

-still learnin'

2007-08-15, 03:48 PM
Thanks David.

I just tryed the custom controls and that does give more flexibility, especially with the filters. I still cannot get the levels and grid bubbles to not show using this technique...

BUT I did try this and it gave me the outcome that I wanted.

I created worksets *duh*. It is just me on the project at this time, so I had not done so yet.

I left it with just "Shared Levels and Grids" and "Workset 1" for the time being. That way i could remove and reattach the reference building with "Shared Levels and Grids" turned off and got the result I wanted.

...maybe someone else will find this to be useful.

-still learnin'
pdThe levels and grid bubbles can be turned off. In the custom settings the view is controlled by "host view" and "linked view", make sure you have the correct one selected. All the Model categories and Annotation categories can be turned on or off in linked views.

2007-08-15, 04:03 PM
Okay- I see now. I needed to select custom on the basics drop down before I could choose linked view under annotation (or model for that matter). Needless to say, I had not done that before. That gives a HUGE amount of flexibility!

still learnin'

2007-08-15, 05:23 PM
That gives a HUGE amount of flexibility!It's a beautiful thing :)

2007-08-15, 06:02 PM
You got it :) It gives you the same amount of control as you have in the host file in terms of visibility.

I use the technique you mentioned with worksets for turning off Structural levels in files where I want to leave visiblity set to By Host View. You have to be careful that when someone "reloads from", they need to re-set what worksets to load or all will be loaded. It's really a band-aid approach and is not recommended for general visibility control, unless you know what you're doing and there's not another method :)

Another case I've used this technique was to hide Existing gridlines in the linked project (ahhhh I wish they were phase aware!). Of course one could use scope boxes to control visibility in the original linked file, but you lose control in the host file when you link it, so the only approach in that case IS using worksets.