View Full Version : Going crazy here, Can't see linked Site in plan view

2007-01-11, 04:01 PM
Maybe someone can help me here. I have a linked revit site plan in my current project. I linked it by using shared coordinates. I look at the building with the linked revit site plan in any 3D View, looks fine, the relationship of site to building is perfect. However, when I look at any plan view with every visibility setting correctly set, I can not see the linked revit site plan in a PLAN view. I checked all of linked revit site plan settings, turned on the "site" and "topo" settings and still can not see the linked revit site plan in a PLAN view. I've increased the view ranges to "umlimited" hoping that I could see the site plan too and I still do not see it. Any Ideas?

2007-01-11, 04:12 PM
Many times sites get link in at a very high elevation and so are not visible on a level plan. Try switching to an elevation view and so if you can see the site from there. I am thinking that the site will be at a very high height around 15000 ft. or so. If that is the case then grab the site and pull it down to and elevation of 0 ft. or around there. Switch back to your plan views and you should see it. I hope this is the case and helps!!

2007-01-11, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the response but this isn't the case, the linked site plan is oriented correctly at the proper height, I orignally create the site topos in the building project but wanted it to be linked rather than exist inside the building project. So i duplicated the project and deleted everything except for the site data. Once I did this, I linked the site data file back to the oringal building project using shared coordinates.

Like a said, the site is at the right elevation but theres something about my visibility settings that is not letting me see the site plan in a PLAN view. It's clear that the linked site is not 1000's or feet above my building. Thanks for your help but still need help here.

2007-01-11, 04:43 PM
Well i think i figured it out, I went back into the linked site file itself and added a new floor plan. Made sure I could see the site from this plan view. Saved it. Went back into the building project file, reloaded the linked site, bam, it shows now.

2007-01-11, 04:43 PM

I know this sounds obvious, and doesn't sound like it's the case, but when you linked, did you have the box for "Link only in this View" checked?.

As an alternative, I've heard you could try duplicating your plan view (With Detailing) and that sometimes 'fixes' the viewing problem.

As a check - can you see this in another plan level's view (ie 2nd/3rd?)? Can you create a new plan view and see the site? Can you turn on Underlay/Overlay and 'see below'?

Without seeing the model, I hope this helps a little.
