View Full Version : Wall types

2007-01-12, 02:55 PM
Hi everyone. I'm doing a complete renovation on a commercial building. They keep some exterior walls exactly as they are (brick on wood studs). Some will change to be stone at the bottom and wood on top and some other will change to be wood only. I'm working with the phases (existing, demolished and new construction) and I was wondering how I should do those changes (switch wall types)

2007-01-12, 03:49 PM
If you're adding onto an existing wall, without demolishing any of the existing wall, you can do a separate wall type with just the stone, for instance, and then join geometry between it and the existing wall. That way any inserts in the wall will cut both walls.

However if you're demolishing only part of the wall (finishes only, for instance, with structure to remain), then I'm not sure what the best method would be for doing that in Revit. I'd like to know what others have done because a co-worker ran into this recently and was asking me how to do it, but I wasn't sure.

One idea to throw out there (I haven't tried it) is to maybe use 3 overlapping walls, all with joined geometry. You would have:

1. wall type with structure to remain only, on the existing phase, not demolished
2. wall type w/ identical structure, and the finish layers to be demolished. This would be on the existing phase and demolished on the new phase
3. wall type with identical structure and the new wall finishes, created on the new construction phase.

All 3 walls would have their cores (structure) aligned and then geometry joined together, so hopefully the graphics would look right. Anyone try that?

Michelle Gibson
2007-02-06, 06:30 PM
I am hoping someone can solve the isssue where, when we join geometry with a window or door insert, then the "added" material is cut at the edge of door frame, not rough opening. The only solution so far is to use voids and not the join geometry command. Kind of stumped as this is a common construction practice whereby the door or window frame wrap the core, then the exterior wall finish or application buts up to the edge of frame, quite often with a reveal that is caulked.

Anyone done this successfully yet?