View Full Version : DWF COMP. 2 W/REVIT 9.1

2007-01-12, 11:47 PM
Has something changed with the release of Revit 9.1 to where you have to buy design review? I can't use the dwf composer 2 with Revit 9.1....it will print but will move all kinds of annotations and view ports become extremely screwy. Anyone know??


2007-01-12, 11:51 PM
Dunno, but a speaker at AU said that you have to make separate DWF file for each sheet.

Think it was this one: http://au.autodesk.com/sessions/building/detail/17191/

2007-01-13, 04:17 AM
Has something changed with the release of Revit 9.1 to where you have to buy design review? I can't use the dwf composer 2 with Revit 9.1....it will print but will move all kinds of annotations and view ports become extremely screwy. Anyone know??

That was my class at AU 2006. Could you elaborate on your problem? Are you talking about "printing" from Revit to DWF or from DWF to the printer?

The comment about one sheet at a time had to do with linking markups on multi-sheet DWFs back into Revit. This is a known bug. If you're not intending to perform this workflow, then multi-sheet export is OK.

2007-01-13, 04:43 AM
That was my class at AU 2006. ...Excellent presentation it was -- even watching the recording. Its title did not do it justice. You covered many topics that are vital to collaborating using Revit. The DWF aspect was relatively minor.

What's the hot DWF setup right now? I was trying to use a DWF viewer that I downloaded a few weeks ago recently and it was VERY slow to start. Probably because it was a shadow-casting job with a few sheets.

I also found out that if you send out DWFs to be printed, the service needs any applicable weird fonts you may be using installed on their system.

2007-01-13, 05:00 AM
DWF still needs some refinements in performance. I'm also on the DWF Executive Customer Council and participate in the beta programs surrounding the platform. The next version of Design Review has some nice improvements, but I can't say more than that outside the beta forum...sorry.

Any chance you'd be willing to share some samples of poor performing DWF's with me for the development team to examine?

Henry D
2007-01-13, 11:54 AM
Any chance you'd be willing to share some samples of poor performing DWF's with me for the development team to examine?

This is an error that recently happened. The room separation line showed strangely, I had to turn off the Room Bounding option when exporting.

I can email you the original DWF if you like.

Other than that I am loving the DWF's ...I am trying to get all my clients and consultants to download DWF viewers so I can use this format rather than PDF's.

2007-01-13, 05:18 PM
The room bounding glitch is something I would talk to Revit support about. Other than that, feel free to email any problem DWFs to me for discussion on the beta forum.

james-dot-vandezande @ som-dot-com