View Full Version : Copy Command

Phil Palmer
2004-07-01, 08:58 AM
Is anyone experiencing this problem ?

We have various projects (mainly School projects) where we are placing down all the furniture etc. that go into the clasrooms.

When I pick any of the families and issue the 'Copy' command to copy an instance Revit has a good old think and the process bar regens a couple of times (the process can take approx 10 secs to copy the family)

BUT if I just highlight the object and then do the CTRL and move to create a copy - ITS INSTANTLY copied !

Machines are well spec up - 3.0GHZ and 2Gb Ram

Its only when I use the 'Copy' Command on the revit icons.

Copying any annotation using the copy command is also instant

Its a strange one !

Phil Palmer

2004-07-01, 12:37 PM
I have experienced this, I believe revit is looking for "relationships" . One thing to try is to turn snaps off and see if that helps. Or just put enpoints snaps on or whatever works in your situation. I remember autocad used to hang for me when all snap options were on and you moved over a location with a number of possible snap points. I could definately be wrong, but I think a sim. thing is happening here.