View Full Version : Elevation Crop Region Default Setting 9.1

2007-01-15, 05:28 PM
It appears that the crop region is not set as default in the template for 9.1 for either the four basic elevations nor elevations that are added. Further, when we brought our template forward, we discovered that the crop regions we originally had on (though not visible) were also off. I checked this against the 9.0 templates to insure I was not imagining this.

What is happening and is there a way to force the crop region to be on when adding a new elevation as it did in 9.0?

I suspect others have noticed this but my search criteria in AUGI did not get me to a thread with the answer.

2007-01-15, 05:47 PM
Elevations will only set a crop region when there are model elements. It will use these elements to determine the extents of the crop. For interior elevations this means using the nearest intersecting walls as the extents.

2007-01-15, 05:55 PM
Perhaps I phrased the question incorrectly - perhaps I should have use the term crop region "grips" or something. Attached is another clip for clarity.

Why did we get the grips in 8.1 and 9.0 and not 9.1? So actually, though I understand exactly what you are saying about the crop region itself, what I really wanted is the grip. Why can I see them in 9.0 (and 8.1 which I also still have - don't ask why) and not 9.1?

Thank you.

2007-01-15, 06:27 PM
Same reason I mentioned before. The one without a grip is showing a depth of view, but the width is not being clipped. You only get the grips when the view has a crop region - either on and visible, or on and hidden. This defines the width of the picture plane (crop region). The length of the blue picture plane line doesn't matter if the crop region is off as the extents to the right and left are infinite. If you turn off the far clip - the green clip plane will not appear either.

2007-01-15, 06:51 PM
Again, why does it work differently in 8.1 and 9.0 than 9.1? My images are directly OOTB with no changes. The only difference is the release. My question is why does it work differently? I can manually set all the things like crop region, far clip, displaying or not displaying the crop region when I add an elevation, adding model objects and more. I understand this and I understand what you are saying and I know how to work with the crop regions and the clips. It is not a question about the concept and what it is supposed to do, it's why it is different in the two releases. I did nothing different in either version, only adding an elevation mark. Yet I get a different result.

The question is why do I get the "grips" automatically in 9.0 and not 9.1 with absolutely the same steps and absolutely the same process with the same Default.rte? And how do I change this to function as it did in 9.0? The same with our internal template. The difference makes no sense. If anyone else still has 9.0 or 8.1 and wishes to verify this, it would be helpful.

If this is still unclear, I will make a video and embed in a PDF so all can verify that I am doing precisely the same thing yet getting different results.

Scott D Davis
2007-01-15, 06:56 PM
I would go to the Factory with this question. There was a change between releases, and the funtionality was changed. I'm just not sure why. Hopefully the Factory can provide some input on why the change was made.

2007-01-15, 07:09 PM
They must have changed the default instance parameter. If it was a type parameter, you'd be able to change it, but since it's an intance parameter, we can't. The factory can change that and I'm not sure why they modified it.

2007-01-15, 09:21 PM
I filed this as a Support Request and forwarded this to our Customer Success rep. Interesting that this only happens with new 9.1 projects and does not happen with 9.0 projects we upgraded. Adds yet another layer of confusion.

2007-01-16, 10:15 PM
Yes, blue dots (manipulate crop extents)do not show up when select elevation tag in plan view if the elevation does not have crop region on.

In 9.0 these blue dots weren't doing anything unless the crop region was enabled. You could move them....but they did nothing. Some customers complained that they had a control that did nothing. They did not change the extent of the elevation view at all.

There is a work around: select blue line of elevation extents in plan view. Go to its Properties and put check mark in box next to Crop Region. Now in plan view, the blue dots will appear. You can adjust the blue line to the size you like, then turn the crop of the elevation back off. The size of the blue line does not matter with the crops off, it can never be printed from the plan, and the elevation is not cropped.

I hope this helps.