View Full Version : Updating Titleblock family takes eons?!

2007-01-15, 05:48 PM
What gives? All other families, when updated and loaded back into project take the "usual" amount of time, however a very minor change to a titleblock family takes forever (sometimes 20 minutes, has been as long as 1hr. 20 mins!) just a simple change on a particular piece of text from transparent to opaque?! has something changed? all families have been updated, nothing is different, etc., etc.

2007-01-15, 06:03 PM
What gives? All other families, when updated and loaded back into project take the "usual" amount of time, however a very minor change to a titleblock family takes forever (sometimes 20 minutes, has been as long as 1hr. 20 mins!) just a simple change on a particular piece of text from transparent to opaque?! has something changed? all families have been updated, nothing is different, etc., etc.

I am curious, do you see a difference in speed if you do the update with no sheets open?


2007-01-15, 07:47 PM
I am curious, do you see a difference in speed if you do the update with no sheets open?


well, this procedure was done with only one sheet open. i am trying to see if it makes a difference to close the "views" worksets of the drawing sheets, but it doesn't make sense to me that it should matter.

when looking at system resources during this process, RAM hovers around the 1.75 gb range, while the cpu pegs out at 50% (dual processor, which means revit is pegging out 100%of one processor?!)

tried this operation numerous times, after reboots, resets, etc. i can't quite figure out why this is so taxing...

2007-01-15, 07:56 PM
Are there raster images involved? Do you have views with shadows?

I've swapped titleblocks ina project in just a few seconds on even large projects.

2007-01-15, 08:14 PM
Are there raster images involved? Do you have views with shadows?

I've swapped titleblocks ina project in just a few seconds on even large projects.

nope, no raster images. just a logo, which is created natively in Revit anyway. I t hasn't always been like this. this project is pretty large, and always has been (around 140mb for the main working file) but it's just recently (last week) that the titleblock specifically is crapping everything out. other families, no problem...

interestingly, the same thing is happening on multiple projects, with varying titleblocks (not the same one.)

2007-01-15, 08:42 PM
The onlything I can think of is that since its a view object, revit is having to actually open each view and replace the titleblock, then close the view. The same thing happened to me with a roomtag I was copying from one floor to 14 others, the actual room object would copy in seconds, but the tag took minutes due to revit having to generate the graphics for each view. so my guess is revit is actually opening each sheet and that is why.

2007-01-15, 11:05 PM
I'm having the same problem, as the projects get larger it takes longer and longer, a 150mb project takes 10-20 minutes to reload the titleblock (we do have over 100 sheets though)

2007-03-08, 06:08 PM
I've had similar issues recently, but I think it's due to recent inclusion of revision schedules in titleblocks. It used to update super fast - but I think the revision tracking has made it take much longer. Sounds like a programming problem to me.

2007-05-03, 08:06 PM
Same problem here...

Revit 9.1
Around 230 sheets. Making a simple change (linework).
Project is around 90 mb.
Time: 20 minutes

Revit Architecture 2008 (project open detached for testing)
Time: 15 seconds