View Full Version : This better not be a BUG

2004-07-01, 01:56 PM
I have 4 drawing sheets in this project which is due out for permit tommorow. Sheets are showing all required information as per attached jpg "sheet". Print preview and plots however omit certain selective portions of the sheets as per jpg "print preview".


2004-07-01, 02:36 PM
Wow, what timing! I just had a similar problem yesterday.

I had a floor plan with an underlay of the level above to show overhangs and beam trellis items. I printed to PDF and in the print preview, it was fine, looked just like the project view; however, when I looked at the final PDF, as it was generating, all of the floor plan items were then deleted, like it was being covered over by the underlay...it all just disapeared except for the common wall type items which showed in both plans! I had to remove the underlay to get it to print correctly.
I went back and tried another level (roof). In the underlay's view properties, I turned off the visibility of any solid type object that would "cover" up the plan. (ie: roofs, ceilings etc.)
Same problem! Hmmmmm, I don't remember this occurring in v5.1.

Keeping 'em crossed
Steve Shell

2004-07-01, 02:42 PM
Try DWF see if its the same as pdf. if not I smell conspiracy.

2004-07-01, 03:27 PM
DWF doesn't work either. Just to add, all details including notes that do not plot are linked Acad 14 dwg's. Exploding that particular drawing (notes) solves the problem but........ question remains why it is happening and what if bigger attachment has to be exploded


2004-07-01, 03:58 PM
Haven't experienced that problem here. Take a look in the object properties box, under the imported objects tab, & see what colors the imported dwg's layers are set to. Maybe they're white...

Wes Macaulay
2004-07-01, 07:37 PM
Is this the same problem I had?


2004-07-01, 09:08 PM
No. These are 2 drafting views with linked Acad notes. No obvious reason, because all details and notes, including these 2 come from the same Acad file (same layering, coloring), and are just wblocked to single files for easyer linking into Revit. I am happy though for possibility to explode them and solve the problem this time.


Taylor A
2004-07-02, 01:29 AM
I have had this problem too....both DWF and PDF.
I have found that under Print>Print Setup and setting the "Appearance" to Presentation and Color seemed to fix the problem. Of course my problem may not be your problem

Chad Smith
2004-07-02, 03:54 AM
I to have had an issue with an object showing, both on screen and in the print preview, but not printing. This object was a sweep, and was fixed by choosing raster in the print options.

Wes Macaulay
2004-07-02, 06:29 AM
Well, my somewhat lame answer is make sure you're on the latest build. I recall some Acad related problems being solved by the latest build (20040616_2100).

Martin P
2004-07-02, 07:19 AM
Certain Fonts will cause problems with PDF and DWF - the Architext font I use has had some problems - change the font? it might work?

2004-07-02, 02:13 PM
Hi there,

Well, after reading these replies, I am still scratching my head as I am not dealing with any ACAD issues. (No acad files or imported items used in this project.)

My situation is caused by an underlayed plan level. (I underlay my Floor Plans all the time for my RCPs, in addition, I have placed Roof Plans under Floor Plans and Site Plans under Floor Plans in the past too. Maybe it is a problem specific to this project only since I have printed to PDF on every project with no problems.

Maybe I will send Revit Support the entire file for their input.
I will keep you posted.

Steve Shell

2004-07-02, 06:16 PM
I believe the solution to this is to print "Raster" instead of vector
that is a selection in the print dialog box
try that