View Full Version : Splitting a large rvt

2007-01-18, 04:49 AM
we currently have a large town centre masterplanning being undertaken in revit. we now have massing models in revit which we would like to develop which will eventuate into construction docs if all goes well.


how do we seperate the massing models of the individual buildings into individual files to develop from?

2007-01-18, 12:23 PM
What I would do is create at least one new file for each building, the site, and a file for the total project.

[This is assuming that your massings are just massing and you haven't added floors, walls, etc.]

Then in your existing file you can copy one of the massed buildings and paste it into the new file for that building. You will also want to try to paste to the correct location, but it is not a big deal since you can reassign shared coordinates at anytime.

If you have added floors, walls, etc. - I would copy each floor one at a time.

Tip: If you are going to need to use the Project Internal Coordinates for lining up the buildings (ie. your using NavisWorks which uses the Internal Coordinates for some reason) you can create an AutoCAD DWG of the site and set your coordinates up in AutoCAD then import the AutoCAD file into all your Revit files - just make sure you choose the "Origin to Origin" option when linking in the AutoCAD files. You will then paste the Massing in its correct location based on the CAD File. I would still set-up the shared coordinates too, but this is just to make exporting to NavisWorks easier.

Once you get all your buildings pasted in and files saved out you can open the "main" file and link all the files in.

I would also suggest looking into using Work sets - if you haven't done so already.

2007-01-18, 04:53 PM
You can also do a saveas... for each building and the site. You can then erase the buildings you do not need and relink the buildings back to the main site plan. I agree you should have a seperate file for each building, and the site.

2007-01-18, 05:30 PM
You can also do a saveas... for each building and the site. You can then erase the buildings you do not need and relink the buildings back to the main site plan. I agree you should have a seperate file for each building, and the site.Yeah that is a good way to do it!

Although you miss out on all the copy and paste fun!

2007-01-19, 12:48 PM
thanks guys!

i was hoping there would be a "save selected as" button somewhere that i missed. will give both methods a go.

also i noticed that when i cut a section through a topography, the section cut (hatching of the "earth") ends just below the 0 level datum line. is there a way to display the sectional earth hatch further below the 0 datum level? (eg -3000 RL ?)

2007-01-19, 03:46 PM
Look in Settings>Site Settings
in this dialog there is a setting to set
Elevation of poche base