View Full Version : PDF to Bitmap

2007-01-18, 01:02 PM
Does anyone know of a utility that converts PDF to Bitmap that is free (don't want much do I).

I need to trace over a bitmap to a tolerance of 100mm (4 inches).

Any ideas.


Martin P
2007-01-18, 01:45 PM

Print to any format you like, and free. Might take a bit of playing till you work it out though :) but you can do it with this.

Basically once you pressed print a dialogue box will appear, select options then, and you can pick BMP there...

2007-01-18, 02:03 PM
Thank you very much.


2007-01-19, 01:23 PM
Hey Martin,

I have to thank you. I have been using that program for over a year now and didn't know that you could save to other formats, other than just PDF!!! (I never clicked on the "options" button...) Now I can use this to save to JPG and TIFF as well. Very cool.


2007-01-22, 03:07 AM
Just saved to bmp. This is great. Thanks.

2007-01-22, 05:08 AM
Can this batch-print to pdf or other formats without having to sit there and click ok for each sheet?

Martin P
2007-01-22, 08:37 AM
It it can - this bit from is the help file... I dont claim to understand what you do, but it was under Batch plotting!!

Command Line Parameters

PDFCreator enables you to create documents via the command line interface. Here are the different commands that PDFCreator supports:

If you use this switch PDFCreaor shows a message box with the information about running instances of PDFCreator, PDFSpooler and Transtool. You can combine this parameter with the switch /NoStart. If you see the property "Local" there exists a local instance. Please check the desktop, Systray or the Task Manager to find the local instance. If you see only the property "Global" than there exists at least one instance in one of your terminal server sessions. This switch is usefull for debugging and for administrators to check if there is a running instance of PDFCreator on a terminal server.
Example: PDFCreator.exe /CheckInstance

Clears all PDFCreator temporary files. This is useful if PDFCreator will not start because of a corrupt temp file.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /ClearCache

Delete the input file after converting. This parameter can only be used in conjunction with the /IF parameter.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /IF"C:\description.ps" /OF"C:\description.pdf" /DeleteIF

/IF<input-filename> /OF<output-filename>
Convert a postscript file to a PDF or bitmap. The /OF parameter must be used in conjunction with the /IF parameter. To set the output file format, include the file extension in the output file name. There is NO space between the parameters and the file names.
pdfcreator.exe /IF"C:\description.ps" /OF"C:\description.pdf"
pdfcreator.exe /IF"C:\description.ps" /OF"C:\description.tif"

Opens a new instance of PDFCreator without checking if the program is already running. It is useful to combine this parameter with the /NoProcessing parameter.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /NoAbortIfRunning

When PDFCreator is opened with the /NoProcessing option, all documents that are sent to PDFCreator are not processed immediately. They are stored in the print queue until PDFCreator is opened without the /NoProcessing option.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /NoProcessing

/NoProcessingAtStartup: When you use this parameter, PDFCreator will start without processing any documents. You can manually start processing by going to the Document menu and selecting Print or by unchecking the Printer Stop option in the Printer menu. The setting is useful if you want collect some files first, then combine the files into one and create a pdf.
0 - Off (Default)
1 - On

When you use the /PF parameter, PDFCreator stays open after it's done its task. The /NoStart parameter automatically closes PDFCreator after it is done.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /NOSTART /PF"C:\help.doc"

Open the output file after converting. This parameter can only be used in conjunction with the /IF and the /OF parameter.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /IF"C:\description.ps" /OF"C:\description.pdf" /OpenOF

Specifies the particular options file PDFCreator should use.
Examples: pdfcreator.exe /OptionsFile"C:\MyPDFCreator.ini"
(Hint: With this parameter (and a work around) you can use more than one printer on a machine.)

Print a file with the standard program linking with the extension of the file. In general, this option is useful in connection with Auto-Save mode. It is not possible to use this parameter in conjunction with the /OF parameter. There is NO space between the parameter and the file name.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /PF"C:\help.doc"
You can also use wildcards to create PDF's of all documents in a specified folder.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /PF"C:\*.doc"

Opens PDFCreator in the log file. No other windows are opened.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /ShowOnlyLogfile

Opens PDFCreator in the Options Panel. No other windows are opened.
Example: pdfcreator.exe /ShowOnlyOptions

2007-01-22, 04:38 PM
Thanks Martin!