View Full Version : Cannot save new file

Michelle Gibson
2007-01-18, 01:43 PM
Somehow I made an error in creating a new file from a central file. I believe I did a "save as" and made a copy of the central file, giving it a new name. I then opened the new file again, making sure I detached it from central so that I could do a design study for an addition to the building without impacting the original drawings.

When I go to save the new drawing, I don't have the option to "save", only "save as". The only way I can save the new drawing with its current name is to exit, which is when it asks me if I want to save the file.

What can I do to correct this, as I am working on the file all day and have to keep on exiting in order to save the file. I have not used the "save as" command to save over the current file yet as I am concerned that I am doing something wrong.


2007-01-18, 04:02 PM
"I did a "save as" and made a copy of the central file, giving it a new name" this means
creating a local copy of your central. Even though you named it differently when you save as, your saved as file still relates to the central unless you go to the save as box and check make this file central. (I think you could have opened the central file making sure you use the detach option and then save your new detached file and then check the make this file central option).
When you open a file detached it becomes like an anonymous file. so you do have to specify a name and you will only have the save as option. Then make sure you save as again using the same name and make sure you check the option make this file central.
i hope this helps - Mo

2007-01-18, 04:38 PM
Also if you detached a central file it is still technically a central file and therefore the only save options are saveas... and save to central.