View Full Version : same names export-layers-file

2007-01-18, 11:07 PM
Does anybody know of an export-layers-file that just names layers exactly after the corresponding categories. Or is there a specific reason why this wouldn't make any sense?

2007-01-19, 03:17 AM
Why not just create one?

Export tables can be written/modified in excel, you just have to export the correct csv format and chance the extension to .txt for Revit to use. You can make a copy of your current one, and open it, then go crazy.... Shouldn't take more than a few minutes with copy/paste as your friend.


2007-01-19, 10:05 AM
Why not just create one?
You can make a copy of your current one, and open it, then go crazy.... Shouldn't take more than a few minutes with copy/paste as your friend.
Thanks, should have figured that out myself! ;)