View Full Version : save color fill legend

2007-01-18, 11:29 PM
Is there a way to save a color fill legend (save the actual colors assigned to specific room types for example)? It seems it would be very convenient if i could reuse a color scheme across multiple projects (I'm not very fond of revit's automatic color "choices"). I notice that even if e.g. i build two area plans of two design options in the same project, revit won't recreate the same legend, so in order to make the too plans look comparable I'll have to note GB or pantone information for each color then reassign that information in the second schedule manually.

2007-01-19, 11:37 AM
You can use Trasnfer Project Standard to move them from project to project

2007-01-19, 11:59 PM
Thanks for the response. Somehow i had overlooked that color fills are system families and and there types can be duplicated, renamed copied etc.