View Full Version : error in mass based roof

2007-01-19, 06:06 PM
We have a mass based roof (we're using a warped deck system). However, the roof object dissapears when it is cut by a section box and looks as if it's showing as projected when cut by a section. Has anyone else run into this?

2007-01-19, 08:26 PM
Dear Steve;
I am not sure if this is applicable or not, but...some families in Revit will only show as projected when cut in section, regardless of where the section cut is taken. For example, if you create furniture in the furniture category and cut it with a section line, it will always show in projection (elevation) mode, not cut. However, if you change the category to 'Casework' you will see that the section cuts a 'true' section through the object. I am not sure if your roof is in the wrong category or not. You said you used the mass tools to create it, so is the roof actually in the roof category, or is it defined as a mass (category) object?
I hope this helps!

2007-01-19, 09:09 PM
yeah, I knew about that. This isn't an in place family, though. I made in-place mass families then used the "roof by face" tool to create roofs. It is a standard roof assembly object.

As an update, I figured out that if you create a roof object per face (before it was one roof object for several faces) it seems to help. It doesn't fix it all the time, however. Now the roof objects show up in section box when cut, although they have a green cut material (the default roof material perhaps?) instead of the layers that they should have. They still project in section views too, instead of sectioning correctly.

Any other ideas?

2007-01-20, 09:13 AM
I haven't experienced roofs made with the "roof by face" tool doing this before, but i have had in place sweeps show up outside a section box before. Never showing like u say in a section though. It might see a "roof by face" similarly to an in place roof? No solutions or workarouns i'm afraid, just a little more insight maybe...

2007-01-22, 02:33 PM
I think what you see in section is the result of a cut failure. For some odd shapes cutting with plane is not very easy and might (very rarely) fail. In this case we show the uncut (projection) shape.

Please send your file (with the roof and mass only) to support, or just post it here.


2007-01-23, 12:33 AM

2007-01-23, 01:00 AM
IT'S 5.5MB AND IT SAYS THE LIMIT IS 2MB WHEN i TRY TO UPLOAD...Even if you left only the roof and the mass instance after "purge unused" ? That must be some complex roof.

It may be easier to copy-paste the mass and the roof to an empty document hoping that a similar section still reproduces your problem.


2007-01-23, 10:50 PM
yes, unless I missed something. It really isn't that complex either so I don't understand why it's that large. Probably about 8 or 10 solid blends to form various warped planes and the roofs that go with them. It's also a worksets project, don't know if that makes any difference... I will try to make sure everything is out, and if it is I will try the copy/paste thing... I am out of the office today so it will be tomorrow morning when I get it posted...